
Bar Goes Bananas

Bar Goes Bananas
28 mei 2015

BAR (binnen) op de kaart
Schiekade 201

Tickets & prijzen Bar Goes Bananas

Voorverkoop, tot 01:00:gratis
Deurverkoop:€ 6,-
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Line-up Bar Goes Bananas

house, disco


uitgebreid · beknopt
Our favorite twins return for the third time for a reason! The stylish brothers will serve us a mix of Deep Neo Chicago House and Disco yet again.

Next to the beloved Hip-house duo, we're welcoming upcoming talent BEA! Her Fresh Hypnotising Electropop tracks struck like lightening. Receiving a load of positive reviews from critics all over!

Job Smit & Marc Nolte will be supporting these two fresh and original acts and one thing is for sure...

We're going BANANAS again!

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