
Moira Takes Off!

Moira Takes Off!
18 maart 2013

Moira Zaal (binnen) op de kaart
Wolvenstraat 10

Tickets & prijzen Moira Takes Off!

Voorverkoop:€ 5,-
Deurverkoop:€ 7,50
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!
Maximaal 350.

Line-up Moira Takes Off!

🇪🇸 house, disco, afro


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Moira Takes Off!!


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thanks for boarding flight 3512 to infinite happiness with Moira Balloon Airlines.

The Moira crew would like to welcome you onboard of this flight to a new party era. A renewed handcrafted enterprise to bring you our home deepest essence. A flight curated by friends for friends.

Keep your belts unfastened at all times. The use of cellular phones, tablets, turntables, compact-disc players, cameras and all kinds of electronic devices and party gear are allowed on this unique flight. Smoking is allowed on the entire aircraft throughout the entire flight. No restrictions apply to this trip, not even during take-off and landing!

At 20:00 we will start with a stand-up comedy by "The Killing Joke". The best stand-up comedy around Utrecht, hosted by Berend-J.

Around 22:30 we will set sail for the skies with a showcase of our heterodox Moira DJ's, who will provide you the groove to elevate your soul up to the clouds.
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