Flockonderwerp · 57233

901 Main Street / Suite 4400 / Dallas, Texas 75202
(214) 744-1042 / Fax (214) 744-1043


Who we are, what we stand for, and why the fervent devotion to transport efficiency For more than 12 years North America’s SuperCorridor Coalition (NASCO) and its members have stood at the forefront of driving public and private sectors to unite to address strategically critical national and international trade, transportation, security and environmental issues. Our focus is on maximizing the efficiency of our existing transportation infrastructure to support international trade. We recognize the extraordinary implications for our nation’s long-term economic prosperity of our transport system’s ability to sustain that growth.

NASCO, a non-profit group initially founded in 1994 as the I-35 Corridor Coalition, represents member cities, counties, states, provinces and private sector members devoted to maximizing the efficiency and operations of the existing U.S. Interstate Highways 35/29/94 (the NASCO SuperCorridor) and the intermodal inland ports NASCO has inspired to sprout along them. Never have our efforts been more needed or been more urgent. As U.S. Federal Highway Administrators and state road association leaders clearly understand, the U.S., in general, and our Corridor through its heartland in particular, face daunting challenges in adapting to absorb the coming tsunami of burgeoning cargo freight tonnage. U.S. studies forecast
national freight tonnage to increase nearly 70 percent by 2020. General cargo tonnage is projected to more than double, with some key freight gateways expected to see a tripling in freight volumes between 1998 and 2020. As the demand for freight transportation grows, so will its overall contribution to the nation’s economy and its challenges to highway capacity, congestion and the local environments. In 1970, international trade represented just 12 percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). By 2000, trade surged to 25% of U.S. GDP. U.S. economists, however, expect trade to leap to 35% or more of U.S. GDP by 2020.
From almost immediately after the Jan. 1, 1994 entry into effect of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), NASCO has sought out and backed Corridor-related initiatives to enhance border security, safety and the operational efficiency of the existing transportation infrastructure. NAFTA’s reduction of import tariffs and trade barriers in North America powerfully stimulated trade that strengthened the economies of its partner nations. Rather than the great fears of

901 Main Street / Suite 4400 / Dallas, Texas 75202
(214) 744-1006 / Fax (214) 744-1043 /

NAFTA job losses of 1994, today, in the U.S. and in NASCO Corridor states, net job creation and net employment have grown to and stayed at or near historical highs. Since NAFTA took effect, total U.S. employment grew to 136 million, up from 112 million then, with U.S. unemployment dropping to today’s 4.5 percent of the work force (a five-year low), from 6.6 percent then out of work, according to U.S. Department of Labor statistics for the period.

NASCO uses the term "SuperCorridor" to demonstrate we are more than just a highway coalition. NASCO works to develop key relationships along the EXISTING corridors we represent to maximize economic development opportunities for all affected by the flows. NASCO’s reach helps coordinate the development of technology integration projects, inland ports, environmental initiatives, university research, and the sharing of "best practices" across North America. NASCO’s forte is in spurring coordination of efforts by local, state and federal agencies and the private sector to integrate and secure a multimodal transportation system along
the existing NASCO Corridor. As of late, there have been many media references to a "new, proposed NAFTA Superhighway.” While NASCO and the cities, counties, states and provinces along our existing Interstate Highways 35/29/94 (the NASCO Corridor) have referred for years to I-35 and key branches as 'the NAFTA Superhighway,' the reference solely acknowledged and recognized I-35’s major role in carrying a remarkable portion of international trade with Mexico, the United States and Canada. In actual fact, there are no plans to build “a new NAFTA Superhighway.” It already exists today as I-35 and branches.

A decade ago, NAFTA captured the headlines of international trade. But today international trade is global trade. It requires even bolder and more aggressive efforts by our organization and our leaders to meet the challenges and to extract maximum economic benefit for our people from exploding global trade.
For more than a decade, NASCO has encouraged the boldest thinking on adoption of trade processing systems, logistics systems and information technology. Eighty percent of NASCO members have 10 years of active service.
The subject of trade and transportation is much too important to leave to the uninformed. Here are the REAL facts:
In the 21st century, the U.S economy increasingly runs on trade and our trade runs on transportation. Trade and the transportation facilities that sustain it are tied together. Future economic growth and job creation in the U.S. require a constant effort to enhance our business climate, environment and transportation infrastructure to sustain our world-class leadership in world trade.
NASCO’s aim is to continuously, diligently upgrade the efficiency and security of our transportation systems to sharply increase the efficiency of our transportation infrastructure on the Corridor to drive down the cost of doing business and enhance our ability to do international

901 Main Street / Suite 4400 / Dallas, Texas 75202
(214) 744-1006 / Fax (214) 744-1043 /
trade in the central U.S. Our future quality of life and prosperity depend upon ever-greater efficiencies and competitiveness enhancements in the heartland of North America.
In reality, greater moves toward oversight, inspection, regulation and enforcement of each of the three countries' national laws are leading to a strengthening of national sovereignty in each of the three countries.

 NASCO advocates for balancing increased border security and trade and
transportation efficiency.

 NASCO exists to facilitate solutions to trade and transportation challenges and to
stimulate economic development, job creation and prosperity.

 NASCO is a nonprofit advocacy group, not a government agency. NASCO does not
set transportation policy, build highways or set up customs facilities.

 NASCO is not building or encouraging the creation of ‘a NAFTA Superhighway.’
I-35 and key crossing interstates already exist and have been described as ‘a
NAFTA Superhighway’ due to the loads they bear since the 1994 passage of
NAFTA. They require attention to support future growth and trade.

 NASCO does not encourage the elimination of international borders.

 NASCO does not focus on or have any intent to effect Federal immigration policy.

Taken from this document:

Kben er nog niet helemaal uit.
Maar het zou best kunnen dat het met de nieuwe snelweg voor de American Union te maken heeft.
Alhoewel de brug ook gewoon ingestort kan zijn.

"Beschaving: gammele brug over een diepe afgrond."
laatste aanpassing

For more than 13 years NASCO and its members have stood at the forefront of driving public and private sectors to unite to address strategically critical national and international trade, transportation, security and environmental issues.


Economists predict U.S. bound international containerized cargo will increase 350% by 2020. United States, Mexico, and Canadian exports to one another and the world are at an all time high.

We are literally facing a trade tsunami and U.S., Mexico, and Canadian infrastructure is unable to handle the burden.


Pessimists view this as an impending crisis. NASCO views these challenges as a valuable opportunity for economic development, job creation, and to improve the overall trade competitiveness of the United States, Mexico and Canada in the global marketplace.


NASCO’s purpose is to boost economic development activity by supporting:

Multi-modal (rail, truck, ships, air cargo) infrastructure improvements

Technology and security innovations on existing infrastructure to improve security and efficiency

Enhanced visibility, security, and accountability of supply chains critical to every day life

Environmental projects to preserve quality of life and allow for future growth

Strengthened security in cross-border trade flows


The critically important role transportation and trade play in our every day lives and in our nations’ economies is dramatically undervalued and underappreciated. Critics are attempting to exploit this misunderstanding to disrupt federal, state, and local projects aimed at propelling our communities and countries forward. These critics attempt to falsely portray NASCO as anything other than what it is: an effective and necessary advocate for efficient, secure and environmentally conscious trade and transportation.

We have updated our website to clearly articulate the purpose and objectives that have defined, and always will define, our organization.

Taken from Homepage:

This is so obvious. I'm sure we'll be told the bridges along the I-35 corridor will need to be replaced... and NASCO will come be our savior and build a superhighway from Mexico to Canada.

(By the way, it's also interesting to note that this bridge isn't too far away from the new baseball stadium being built... you can't have an old bridge leading to a brand spankin' new stadium now, can you?)

Pretty obvious, don't you think?

By the way, you might take a look at the NASCO Highway (building already in progress) and pay close attention to "accidents" along the route:

Many of the discussions are pushing the "deteriorating infrastructure" agenda... probably by paid shills...

... This is an obvious attempt of "Problem, Agitation, and Solution".

Explode a bridge.

Get "advocates" to scream for a fix to aging bridges.

NASCO to the resue.

Get ready folks... here comes the North American Union Super Highway - Mexico to Canada up I-35 -- what a coincidence!

By the way, do you wanna bet the replacement bridge will be twice or even triple the width of the old bridge... complete with rails for speedy trains.

Wow... my prediction is coming true even faster than I thought:

White House cites deficiencies in bridge

By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writer
2 hours, 21 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - The White House said Thursday that an inspection two years ago found structural deficiencies in the highway bridge that buckled during evening rush hour in Minneapolis.

White House press secretary Tony Snow said the Interstate 35W span rated 50 on a scale of 120 for structural stability.

"This doesn't mean there was a risk of failure, but if an inspection report identifies deficiencies, the state is responsible for taking corrective actions," he said. The bridge was 40 years old.

First lady Laura Bush will visit Minneapolis on Friday to console victims of the collapse, which killed at least four people and sent dozens of cars plummeting into the Mississippi River on Wednesday.

President Bush first learned of the disaster while having dinner Wednesday night with the first lady. Snow said Bush received preliminary details about the bridge collapse from Joe Hagin, deputy chief of staff. Hagin called Fran Townsend, Bush's homeland security adviser, who reported that there were no known links to terrorists.

Bush asked Federal Highway Administrator J. Richard Capka and Transportation Secretary Mary Peters to go to Minneapolis, where she will announce a $5 million grant to help pay for rerouting traffic patterns around the disaster.

Bush called Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty at 8:45 a.m. EDT Thursday to offer encouragement. "He said the governor was in the president's prayers and offered any support that we can provide," Snow said. Bush also called Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak to offer his condolences and prayers for the losses, and he acknowledged the economic cost of losing a main transportation artery.

Bush then called Peters as she flew to the scene. "He stressed the importance of projecting hope and optimism and offering any help," Snow said.

The administration has sent federal help from the Transportation Department, the National Transportation Safety Board, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the FBI, U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency, Snow said.

There is no federal disaster declaration at this time. Snow was not sure whether there had been a request for one.

The president has offered comfort to victims several times in recent months. In March, Bush he visited survivors of tornadoes that ripped through Alabama and Georgia. In April, he offered words of hope at Virginia Tech after a gunman killed 32 people and committed suicide. In May, Bush went to Kansas after a tornado wiped out the tiny town of Greensburg.

Explode a bridge...

Cite "deficiences in bridge"...

Replace with North American Union Superhighway.

We need to spread the word big time here.

The North American Union will lead to the merging of Mexico, USA, and Canada. The dollar will be replaced by the Amero.

This is not a conspiracy theory -- it's a conspiracy fact. This is happening right in front of our eyes.

The globalist killed many people yesterday. Who are the real terrorist, eh?

Mayday... mayday... mayday!

"Als het regent moet je onder een brug gaan vissen.
Daar gaan de vissen immers naartoe om te schuilen."
laatste aanpassing
als ik het plaatje van hierboven bekijk is die 'Superhighway' bedoeld om Mexico met Canada te verbinden. Als je even zeitgesit gaat kijken zal je opvallen dat ze de 'North-American Union' gaan opzetten (Mexico-Canada en VS) hypothese; daarvoor is deze snelweg hoogstwaarschijnlijk bedoeld.

P.s. ooit al eens afgevraagd waarom Bush zo weinig doet aan de vele mexicaanse illegalen die de grens overtrekken? juist jah North-American Union is coming ;),dan zijn alle illegale mexicanen immers toch gewoon noord-amerikaanse staatsburgers.....Waarom er geld aan uitgeven als ze strax 1 zijn, met de Amero als betaalmiddel...
laatste aanpassing
Shiiiit isn't it obvious Nasco= Tri-NATIONAL (dus mexico, canada en de VS) nu snap ik ook meteen dat wat in zeitgeist verteld wordt de waarheid is en geen simpele hypothese meer is als het gaat om eenwording van Noord-Amerika, dit kan gewoon geen toeval zijn.....Why the fuck aint this shit in the news i ax myself!?
The answer is simpel, omdat alle hooggeplaatste personen uit de media het niet VERMELDEN!!! Daarom zijn wij aangewezen op truthseekers, mensen die de waarheid naar boven willen laten komen, en niet zozeer op hun potemonnaie, aanzien/macht letten....Jammer is alleen dat truthseekers het ook niet altijd juist hebben simpelweg omdat hen de waarheid wordt weerhouden, en als je dan op eigen kracht geheimen moet gaan blootleggen wil het nog weleens voorkomen dat er foutieve info naar buiten gebracht wordt. But than again who blames the truthseeker? At least they are willing to help other peeps who are still vast asleep and to try and wake them.....
laatste aanpassing
Je ziet ook de drie vlaggen van de landen in het logo verweven zitten.

Maar volgens mij is het gewoon een organisatie die de infrastructuur tussen de drie landen wil verbeteren. Ik zie er niet zoveel verdachts achter. Het is ook een redelijk kleine organisatie..
3 vlaggen zag ik niet meteen. 2 tot zover... thnx
De symboliek van de 8 puntige ster en het pentagoon was wel duidelijk.
laatste aanpassing
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 7 augustus 2007 om 22:53:
3 vlaggen zag ik niet meteen. 2 tot zover... thnx

Dat hele occultisme hocus pocus ligt me toch wel.. B)

En ik zie toch ook de mexicaanse vlag erin: Het Groen/Wit/Rode/abstracte adelaars hoofd

Als grafisch vormgever moet ik zeggen: Een ontzettend gaaf logo :)

Veel symboliek onzettend subtiel erin verweven. Petje af voor deze Illuminanti ontwerper (Y) John Langdon?
laatste aanpassing
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 7 augustus 2007 om 23:09:
Dat hele occultisme hocus pocus ligt me toch wel.. B)

Welkom bij de club! ;)

Ik zag alleen de Amerikaanse en Mexicaanse vlag...
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 7 augustus 2007 om 23:09:
Robert Langdon

Huh, is dat niet een fictief figuur in de boeken van Dan Brown?
laatste aanpassing
Jeps, jeps ...

Er zit wel iets van een adelaar in ...
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 7 augustus 2007 om 23:15:
Welkom bij de club!

Ik zag alleen de Amerikaanse en Mexicaanse vlag...

Canadese denk ik? Die is het overduidelijkst.

Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 7 augustus 2007 om 23:20:
Huh, is dat niet een fictief figuur in de boeken van Dan Brown?

Moest John Langdon zijn.. ;)
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 7 augustus 2007 om 23:54:
Canadese denk ik? Die is het overduidelijkst.

klopt de esdoornvlag idd
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 7 augustus 2007 om 22:22:
Maar volgens mij is het gewoon een organisatie die de infrastructuur tussen de drie landen wil verbeteren. Ik zie er niet zoveel verdachts achter. Het is ook een redelijk kleine organisatie..

Ik zie hier ook niet direct echt iets 'evils' in ofzo, maar het gebeurt gewoon weer zo schimmig achter de schermen, waaaarom is dat?
Zelfs mijn ma zei...die hebben ze express laten instorten...dat weet ik zeker...ik ken die geintjes namelijk wel vanuit de verzekeringswereld...
Ik wou dat ik zo'n ma had! :lief:

Nee, ze valt eig. wel mee! :)