30 november 2018
Functie2 × DJ
HerkomstSpanje 🇪🇸


From Donostia but based in Ibiza for the last 10 years, after always being a fan of electronic music, he felt its now the time to venture into a new project of creating sessions and dedicating more time to selecting tracks. What began as a hobby led into a career as a DJ and producer in not a lot of time.

Quickly beginning to understand the Ibiza clubs and style of music made is easier to seek and find his own personal sound with Jon who had been his partner along the way recently forming a successful partnership called ISBEL & JON who are known amongst the locals in Ibiza.

The following season claiming residency in the main room at Privilege in 2014 as a DJ and promoter with the new underground revelation THE PHARM. From this point is where things began to grow very rapidly in Ibiza and within mainland Spain.

Uitgaansagenda Isbel

Laatste optreden was op zondag 19 mei 2019: LiFT × Roots, Pacha, Ibiza


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