
State of Unrest

· Neo & Friends Facebook
State of Unrest

Café 't Keldertje (binnen) op de kaart
Biesenwal 3
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Line-up State of Unrest

drum & bass, techno
drum & bass, dubstep
drum & bass
drum & bass


State of Unrest presents: Neo & Friends

Get ready for the 2nd edition of the SoU Invites series, where established Maastricht/Limburg DnB artists invite their dj friends for a night filled with b2b2b sessions.
A donation based underground event where talents get a stage, the beer is cheap, and artist play for the love of the scene.

After our kickoff Monkey Madness and Friends, it is now up to Neo to celebrate her 1 year DJ anniversary. With her roots in Maastricht and her passion for the scene, we can't wait for her own invites series at the legendary basement, and musical breeding ground of Limburg.
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