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Found alive: Two dinosaur species in Papua New Guinea [with videos]

by Terrence Aym

Amazing amateur daylight video of a ‘Ropen’ (Dimorphodon pterosaur) hunting for fish off a Papua New Guinea beach.
[More video under Links at end of article.]

Dateline: Papua New Guinea, Southwest Pacific Ocean—The Ropen (‘demon flyer‘) is a monstrous creature that’s terrified the natives of Papua New Guinea for thousands of years. Another smaller creature, the Duah-possibly related to the Ropen-haunts some of the far flung outlying islands.

Now sensational eyewitness reports—collected by determined exploration teams seeking strong evidence of the creatures—have led serious researchers to the conclusion that two distinct animals exist.

The descriptions of both monsters match that of fabled pterosaurs—ferocious flying dinosaurs thought to be extinct for 65 million years.

The hunt for the glowing dinosaurs

Jim Blume and David Woetzel are two daring researchers that have explored the dangerous regions—including the treacherous outlying islands—where the prehistoric monsters are known to hunt their prey.

Not only have these two compiled eyewitness accounts of the creatures from frightened natives, and physical evidence of gigantic nesting sites in some of the mountainous cliff areas, both men have personally witnessed the soaring creatures—and Woetzel even shot some video footage of one.

First brought to the attention of Western missionaries following WWII, the often nocturnal flying creatures are described as having large bat-like wings, an elongated beak filled with razor teeth, sharp, tearing claws and a very long whip-like tail with a split or flange on the end.

Reports from natives and investigators indicate that the creatures glow in the dark and are clearly visible in the night sky. This phenomenon—called the 'Ropen light'—was observed at length and videotaped by researcher David Woetzel. [1]

It’s hypothesized the bio-luminescent glow assists the creatures' efforts to hunt and catch fish—their primary diet—in the deep darkness of the tropical night.

The evidence for two types of living pterosaurs

Although the Ropen and Duah have strikingly similar physical characteristics, the giant Ropen inhabits Papua New Guinea while the smaller Duah stays relatively close to the outlying islands.

Other than actual modern-day sightings of the two, a surviving 16th Century maritime chart lends credence to the hypothesis of two distinctly different creatures.

The 1595 chart cautions sailors about ‘sea monsters’ and depicts various coastal regions of Earth where monsters might be found. In the area of Papua New Guinea, two 'sea monsters' are illustrated: one is much larger than the other, yet both have almost identical physical traits. Each have long necks, prominent head crests, tails ending with a flipper like appendage and ridges along their backs. They are shown flying above an island. [2]

Despite the general consensus amongst orthodox zoologists that the creatures don't exist, those that have actually traveled deep into Papua New Guinea's primitive rain forests and tiny offshore islands are convinced the creatures are living there now—especially since they have seen them firsthand.

Furthermore, strong evidence exists that one type is very big with impressive 20-foot plus wingspans, while the smaller, island dwellers have 4 to 4 1/2-foot wingspans.

Blume and Woetzel are convinced that two different types of pterosaurs exist and the indigenous natives concur. The locals insist the Duahs are not Ropens.

Prehistoric throwbacks: the Dimorphodon and Rhamphorhynchus

Mounting evidence supports the contention that the large Ropen are living Dimorphodon pterosaurs, with dermal bumps and a head crest; while the numerous sightings of the smaller creatures that inhabit the caves of the islands dotting the Bismarck Archipelago are that of the supposedly extinct Rhamphorhynchus-a pterosaur with a wingspan of about 3 to 4 feet.

Blume’s investigations indicate that wingspans of some of the pterosaurs may reach 10 to15 feet, though several other investigators point out that natives have encountered Ropens with much larger wingspans. [3]

Most intriguing of all, the living pterosaurs may not be exclusive to Papua New Guinea. Similar creatures have been sighted and reported on and off for centuries throughout Central Africa.

The natives in the Congo, Zambia, Angola, Kenya and Zaire call the creatures ‘Kongomato.’ They assert the reddish African version has large, leathery wings, sharp claws, a split tail, and prominent teeth. [4]

While humans smugly believe they are the masters of this planet, the original rulers may still command some of the darker corners of this shrinking world.

Video links

Video one: Amateur sighting of pterosaur off Papua New Guinea beach.

Video two Amateur sighting of pterosaur off Papua New Guinea beach.


[1] 'Ropen Light' Sighting by David Woetzel

[2] 'A Pictorial History of Sea Monsters,' Sweeney, James B. 1972, p. 42.

[3] 'Pterosaurs Still Living' - Jim Blume

[4] 'Ropens: Live Pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea'

Expedition Links

Results of Investigations Concerning Pterosaur Sightings In Papua New Guinea

The Woetzel-Guessman Expedition

The Living Pterosaur Expedition - John Whitcomb
laatste aanpassing door een beheerder
OK dit was waarschijnlijk een frigatebird.
had die 'n paar jaar geleden ook al eens gezien...leek erg op 'n kleine versie van 'n pterodactylus..bleek dus achteraf te gaan om 'n...Fregatvogel...:lol: