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The Earth-Keeper Chronicles - February 2010

Aura, Angelics & Antimatter

"Because your etheric body interfaces into antimatter, it can be said that human kind are in fact hybrids of matter/antimatter, conceptually evolved from within anti matter. But listen carefully: Your core consciousness exist vitally within antimatter, but not as antimatter, there is a difference. Your core genesis is Divine Thought, and it co-creates & permeates every matrix." - AAMetatron
Auras, Angelics & Antimatter

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

EK BlackGreetings Masters! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet you in a vector of Unconditional Love!

And so we speak again of matter/antimatter and the synergetic flux between the two that define your realities. There is a constant shift between matter and antimatter that flashes consciousness units into both realms via macro and micro white holes and black holes. This is the underpinning of NOW reality that converges into all time holograms. It permeates all matter and antimatter, and you live in both.

Matter and antimatter form different types of parallel universes. Some are separate dimensional planes governed by succinctly different sets of physics, geometrics and physical laws. Others duplicate your universe quite closely. Some parallel universes exist in subspace within parameters of 'formless geometry' and are completely different quantum realities. Some universes are smaller than a molecule, such is the paradox of spacial enigma. Physical universes such as yours are the exception, not the rule. Indeed there are highly evolved Beings in the Cosmos that are quite unaware that realms of physical universes even exist. Indeed there are distant components of your own Beingness, quite unaware of your physical self.

The visible physical matter that is understood within your current limited level of technology actually makes up less than 4% of the multiverse. Approximately 20% of your universe is composed of what is called "dark" or invisible matter. The remaining 76-80% is anti-matter. That you refer to as the crystalline light body, or MerKaNa interfaces within & without all three. Indeed you journey within dark matter and anti matter every night in what you term the lucid dream state, in an etheric state of ultraviolet, within etheric bio plasmic energy bodies.

Most of you have little recall of what occurs in these nightly sojourns. However, this information is accessible for those of you prepared to achieve the MerKaNic level of consciousness in the tri level MerKiVic system of Crystalline Light Bodies.

The Polarity MerKaBa is Obsolete

But let us be clear, concerted effort is required to develop cognizance into this Crystalline 'Light-Body' System. The old polarity MerKaba will not serve in this capacity. You see the electromagnetic (polarity) grid is collapsing as the Crystalline Grid comes into full energy. In kind the human aura tied to the electromagnetic grid cannot and will not hold the higher frequencies of the Unified Field of Quantum Crystalline Energy. The Crystalline Age is upon you, and duality systems are quite obsolete within this upshift.

As such, both your physical bodies and your auric systems are demanding great and greater focus as the Earth approaches this supra-dimensional graduation. Indeed the increasing frequencies of the planet are requiring mankind's transition to the tri level MerKiVic modality of crystalline multidimensional Light Body Auric function. Much of humanity has yet to recognize that the old auric system is unable to carry the increasing crysto- light energy of the planet. As a result a form of pressure differential is occurring that results in auric stress overload. Fissuring occurs and auric 'bleeding and short circuitry can develop. We have referred to these actualities as 'Ascension Maladies'. Unrecognized, this can lead to energy loss, chronic fatigue and depression.

This we have shared with you in several assays. Yet the mass of humanity have not taken remedial action, and will consequentially remain tied to 3d functionality. Indeed 21 December, 2012 will appear as just another day for the vast majority of mankind. But the inspired minority that choose to develop crystalline light bodies, quantum leaps in consciousness are in store and indeed ongoing.

Crystallization Upshift of RNA

Many of you on the path of Ascension are aware of the crystallization and 12 strand shift of DNA. We tell you that RNA is now upshifting in kind. RNA is equally important and is in fact the messenger that relays code changes to DNA.Now, the primary function of RNA is protein synthesis within a cell. However, RNA is involved in various ways in the processes of expression and repression of hereditary information. This is well understood by your biological and medical academics.

But we tell you, RNA is not only the catalyst of human biological shift; it is also the receiver of information from higher realms. It is the signal code radio-receiving apparatus of your new biology that allows for the crystallization and 12 strand DNA, crystallization of the pituitary, pineal and thymus to come into place.RNA is shifting from singular strand to a crystalline weave of six strands.

Upshift to 6-Strand Crysto-RNA

Whilst your physical matter bodies are now moving into 12 strand DNA and 6-strand RNA, your MerKaNic Crysto Light Bodies are shifting to 144 and 72 respectively in an algorithm system of crystallization into multidimensional bio plasma consciousness in both matter and antimatter composites.The multidimensionality of quantum consciousness becomes both requisite & available to the seekers in humanity that shift into MerKaNa.

RNA Receives Multi Dimensional Codes

The crystallization and upshift of RNA is tantamount in this process because it communicates in multiple time dimensions and receives information thru its crystalline linear chain mechanism. That is how RNA molecules assemble the physical matter proteins in the Ribosome in order to receive the codes of upshift.

Indeed the RNA receives communication that is constantly being fed to the back brain, the God Mind, from what you would term as Angelic, Extra Terrestrial and Divine Oversoul consciousness. Most of these are within antimatter, and all of these work in Bio Plasmic Crystalline MerKaNa systems. RNA receives concise information codes that act as catalytic evolemental enzymes for new prototypes for the upshifting of the carbon-based physical body.

Those referred to as the 'Crystal Children' or Meruvians are incarnating with these bio-etheric shifts readily intact. Indeed there are myriad changes in the DNA and RNA of the new humans. These transitions are available to those of you of the 'Pathfinders', who are indeed seekers on the avenue of enlightenment, but assembly is required.

Antimatter & Matter of Fact : The 4th and 1st State
Your main-stream academics understand that the planet earth is surrounded by a shell or ovid, called the Magnetosphere. They do not uniformly acknowledge that within it is invisible charged matter particulate called plasma. In fact the dominant state of matter in the Multiverse is plasmic. But because it does not produce a radiation that they can see or measure, the academics do not formally concede as yet that plasma is in fact matter. Some theorize its existence as dark matter. But in truth it is not truly 'dark'. In time it will be understood that plasma is the fourth state of matter, from your present perspective.

Matter exists beyond the three phases of solid, liquid and gas. It exists as plasma. And we tell you that it is not truly the 'fourth state', from higher perspective, rather is it the first state in Omniverse Cosmology. And it exists in varying layers within its own concentric dimensionality. And it exist within dark matter as well as antimatter.

Your Etheric Body is 'Stealth' Biological Plasma

Your etheric light-body in also encased in an ovid, similar to the Magnetosphere of your planet. Indeed, it is composed of stealth plasma.

In fact all of you in higher forms of your multidimensionality have 'bodies' , not of carbon based chemical clothes as on duality earth, but rather in the crysto realm of complex Bio-Plasma. And these Bio-Plasmic versions of 'YOU' exist in the realms your scientist ironically term ' dark matter'. We say ironically because that you term dark-matter, is actually far lighter and exponentially greater in frequency than physically dense matter, and in terms of consciousness, it is anything but dark. Within it is the interfacing lens of the Angelic Realm.

Dark Matter in your vernacular is Invisible matter. It is only 'dark' in the sense that it cannot be identified by your current instrumentation. It is a stealth form of matter that remains undetectable over the entire electromagnetic spectrum detectable by your scientists, from the long radio wave-length to the far shorter length oscillation of the gamma- ray.

Your MerKaNic Field, Dear Ones, is crystalline bio plasma. On the earth-plane all of you are composed of a carbon body that is aurically interfaced with an etheric body of bio-plasma. When you transition to higher realms you will be fully conscious in that etheric energy, in a body of crysto bio plasmic light. In fact the greater part of you lives now in the liquid crystalline Cosmos of what you term of as 'dark matter, invisible light matter in crysto electric bio plasma.

Stay with us, keep your focus for this is a great truth we attempt to explain to you.

Masters, while this may seem confusing, it will become more apparent to those of you expanding into the Crystalline Auric Light Bodies, the MerKaNic phase of the three level MerKiVa. That is the level where you connect to the 'Angelic' part of you, a part that has been filtered away from you in duality.

And science aside, all of this assay is about you returning to your higher state, so do not get lost in the syntax. Do not be overwhelmed by the 'science' or terminology we use, for the higher part of you already knows the TRUTHS we share with you in this teaching. Indeed your will to learn and achieve, and 'MerKaNa' is your ticket home. It is why you are here.

So we will share with you both background and the mechanics of how to get there.

Hybrids of Matter / Antimatter

Because your etheric body interfaces into antimatter, it can be said that human kind are in fact hybrids of matter / antimatter, conceptually evolved from within anti matter. But listen carefully: Your core consciousness exist vitally within antimatter, but not as antimatter, there is a difference. Your core genesis is Divine Thought, and it co-creates & permeates every matrix.

The conical apertures of the human chakric/auric system are extending & expanding in function as you develop Level 2 and Level 3 MerKiVic light bodies.

The 'subtle energy' that composes the MerKiVic Auric System has the properties of an electromagnetic current, yet they are not electromagnetic in duality terms. They are 'liquid' crystalline in nature but operate in current-field flows similar to the polarity of the previous system. Crysto- MerKaNic energy flows through conical vortex apperendi and is fed into meridians but takes on the properties of crysto-coherent particle streams, similar to laser light, in trinity level MerKiVic system function. It is the same energy that flows through Phi Crystals, in that it is coherent.

Your vortexial chakras are multi-receptive and transmittive. This is optimal in the third level of the MerKiVa system, the MerKaNa, as we teach in the Metatronic Keys. In the MerKaNic manifold are great and greater ties into group soul-consciousness and systems of Omni-Earth and Multiverse Cosmos.

Remote Viewing

In "group consciousness" levels of MerKaNa what you think of as psychic- telepathy and remote viewing occur automatically. Not as the goal, but as a natural occurrence of that divine level of consciousness. Indeed these occur thru connectivity in the neural networks (plasmic filaments) of the Living Cosmos or gestalt energy you call God. Just as you have a network of neural filaments and nerve fibers in your human brain that communicate in 'currents', there are in kind similar networks that act as information conduits that exist in the successive multiverses of the Living Cosmos. Which comparatively speaking may be viewed as the brain of God, the 'All That Is'. In that analogy, it may appropriately seem that you are living in a Cosmos that is an omnipotent brain. And indeed these 'Cosmic Neural' corridors are sending information to and thru your RNA constantly.

Neural Networks in Matter/AntiMatter Layers

It is in fact thru this operandi of filamentary current conduits that phenomena such as remote viewing and bi-location seem to occur. Neither bi-location nor remote viewing truly involve physically 'seeing or being', as much as it involves processing of information codes & patterns received thru cosmic or earthen neural corridors thru your RNA and the crystallized pituitary & pineal.

We tell you that these codes of information are the neuronal networks in matter/ anti-matter and dark plasma in which the Omni-Earth is contained.

What this means is that a system is in place, and structure that you can, with effort purposely evolve into. The learning of the tri-level MerKiVic system is imperative, because it is required for you to consciously Ascend into the next level.

But keep in mind, the greater you expand into MerKiVic Levels, the greater energy you carry. And with greater energy comes greater responsibility. You must be able to control your energy field frequencies, and modulate the power within thru mental balance and self disciplined control.

Through the development of the crystalline light body tri level MerKiVic system, you gain the ability to navigate within higher dimensionality and in so doing freely access greater consciousness.

Coherent Crysto-Light

The effect is the development and utilization of coherent crysto-light energy. This is particularly useful to Healers, and can be developed & fine tuned by motivated Master Healers in Level 2 and 3 of the MerKiVa and MerKaNa. Coherent crysto-light energy can be projected out from the body of a Master MerKaNic Healer through the hands by beaming their personal chi of coherent emanations of crysto- energy into the patient's body.

By developing this system, you will grow in myriad ways and re-acquire abilities that you have only 'dreamed of...literally.

The phenomena you call channeling also occurs thru this process. But to be clear, channeling in the vast majority of cases is an enhanced communication with the Divine Self within you, not with Archangels or Ascended Masters, but with the self.

Channeling Angelics and Divine Self

We are indeed communicating from without to within the circuitry of the channel, Tyberonn. Archangels and Ascended Masters do in fact communicate with certain channels and teachers, but the great majority of conscious mediums are channeling their higher selves. Such was the case of the renowned Edgar Cayce. His channels came from Ra-Ta, his Ascended higher self. This is not only available, it is ongoing with all of you. What must be developed is the ability to consciously retrieve the information in 'real' (linear) time. And that requires effort and sufficient light quotient thru open circuitry of Avatarian MerKaRa. Did not the Avatar Jeshua ben Joseph tell you, "That I do, ye can do also"?

And so a great new world is within grasp. And the development of the crystalline MerKiVa and MerKaNa is offered to you. But before you can shift into this energy, you must acquire the basic understanding and optimal maintenance mechanics of your auric field and Chakric system. You have to learn to walk before you learn to run. It is an ironical juxtaposition that many of you on the path of enlightenment have achieved considerable knowledge of metaphysics, yet surprisingly make little conscious effort toward understanding the compulsory mechanics of auric circuitry and physical maintenance interactions.

And understand that your compulsory maintenance of the MerKiVic System is an integral journey, not a summit destination. Your integrity and impeccability of thought and action influence your auric integrity. If your load-bearing cornerstone cracks or slips, so will your MerKiVic access. The mind -etheric body connection is immediate. Energy and consciousness cannot be divided.

Your chakras can only operate optimally when your etheric field is intact. Your light body has circuitry that is only functional when you achieve the understanding of how to connect it and maintain it. This is offered in the Metatronic Keys in crystalline transition, but optimal operation has been known and taught by esoteric throughout the ages. Charles Leadbeater of the Theosophical Society was quite brilliant in his understanding for the duality phases. It is time now to understand the crystalline upshift.

Symbiotic Coupling

Just as your planets electro-magnetic grid is collapsing as it is transposed by the crystalline grid, so is your polarity based etheric energy field unable to hold the greater frequency of crystalline light.

There is a symbiotic coupling force integrating the levels of your etheric field in matter with the crysto-photon body of the MerKiVa and MerKaNa in antimatter. This key symbiosis is operated thru the particle accelerators you term chakras. Each layer is separated by double layered membranes of bioplasmic respectively lined with opposing currents to form a durable lamina sheath. There is mutual affinity between the bioplasma and physical-biomolecular bodies, and this occurs thru the double coned receival and transmitting chakras which extend sensory transduction filaments into each sequential matter/dark matter/antimatter dimensional field. This process will generate a to and fro helical path that will have a conical spin.

In MerKaNic systems the chakras expand to 96 in the level 1 MerKiVa, 144 in the Level 2 MerKiVa and 240 in the Level 3 MerKaNa (from the 12 in duality fields). And these extend filaments that operate in a liquid-crystal phase. They are free to move about in a pseudo-fluid movement, yet constantly remain angularly oriented to the geometry and crystalline currents of the MerKaNic field.

That you think of as the 'lower chakras' in physical form, relating to survival, sexuality and emotion are not eliminated in crystalline MerKiVa, rather are they up shifted in function unrelated to gender or physical survival. Sexual polarity/gender does not exist in the zero fields of higher celestial realms.

(Gender does occur in certain extra terrestrial civilizations that exist in stealth (dark-or invisible) matter and antimatter such as the Pleiadeans and Sirians. However it is not 'hot-wired' in the urgent fashion of species survival /emotion as the humans experience on earth. Rather it is far less polar and does not have the hard lined physical drive associated with human biology.)

Prerequisite of MerKiVa

Now, the optimal healthy human auric field is the etheric body. It is composed of stealth matter, and connects both into physical dense bio-molecular matter and into antimatter in parallel. It is quite complex, and is the base level of pre-MerKiVa, but is not MerKiVa.

The auric system receives and auto projects charged energy particulate, and occurs somewhat like the aurora borealis or northern lights. Every physical being will generate this field. It expands as the biological human grows in consciousness. Yet the aura on its own is not the geometric light body. It is an ovid complete with a tapestry of horizontal and vertical currents and circuitries. In its initial level there are 7 active chakras which can be progressively activated to12 as light quotient is increased.

Expansion is an analogous process that has something of an induction domino effect. One light turns on the next, in time. The primary longitudinal axial current is received thru the 7thchakric vortex and assimilated thru the pituitary to induce secondary and tertiary currents at specific angles.

The Sacred Ratio of 13-20-33

The optimal human aura protacts and elaborates thru this process until it achieves full circuitry in the 13-20-33 ratio. Twelve Chakric layers that form one 12+1=13. 20 sub layers that exist in antimatter, and the amplified integral Cosmic system of 33. This system takes many lifetimes to achieve, and once achieved, it is the requisite entry certification that allows one to graduate into MerKiVic Light Vehicles. As such 13-20-33 is a key frequencial combination that resonates with and facilitates entry into geometric MerKiVa. When the frequencial resonance of the 13-20-33 ratio is optimally achieved, the chakric system is in full circuitry functioning with vortexial centers, helical intake and outtake receivers and transmitters, intra-dimensional conduits of connectivity, and aligned node points of supra-current flux. At his point it is ready to be taken into MerKiVic geometric crysto-light body vehicle.

We have shared with you share with you that the interface of the Angelic Realm to the human material realm is thru the antimatter field, and the antimatter plasmic composition of that field composes what is termed the Parallel Dimensions of 'Omni-Earth' and the 'Multiverse'.

Now as we have said, the realm of the angelic exist within anti matter, but not as antimatter, and there is a difference. It is better to say that within antimatter is the underpinning concept of all life, all consciousness before it materializes in matter. But life forms indeed exist within antimatter and stealth matter...including all of YOU.


The interfacing vortexial organs of your etheric body via the chakric system are in a sense focal particle accelerators that form open cones into the field of antimatter. This is something that will become known to humans within the next three generations. Matter / Antimatter and Bio-Energy Plasma life exist in varying layers of dimensional resonance, frequency and intensity. Your developed MerKiVic field is indeed capable of holding this energy, and transporting you within it and without it.

You are Divine Beings with aspects that are both finite and infinite. And in the MerKiVic system you are able to unfold the finite into the infinite. New frontiers are opening to you in the Ascension of Earth into great and greater dimensional access. Though your main stream academics will continue to avoid being ostracized by safely remaining in the restrictive cage of status quo, accepting only what can be measured with truly simplistic scientific instrumentation.

Those that choose to remain in 3d, can indeed do so. But those will indeed miss the opportunity to make bold strides in understanding not only the true nature of 'life consciousness, but also the vast realms of the Omniverse Cosmos, including the Earth itself. Yet all of you with further reaching intuition can reach beyond your conceived grasp.

I am Metatron, and I share with you these TRUTHS. You are Beloved.

And so it is.
laatste aanpassing
ES News - March 2010: The Code of the Blue Nile

Written by Lisa Renee
7 March 2010

Another level of critical mass has been reached with Galactic Source frequency and its connection that opens various vortexes into the planetary grid structure itself.

This allows for more in depth revelation of the problems existing within the structural integrity of the planetary body and therefore the human body. Once we (Guardian consciousness) can see where the problem exists we are then able to reconcile the problem through the healing of the template or giving that consciousness a choice directly to rehabilitate that damaged portion of itself. The choice must be made by each being on its own cognizance. All choices with intention have a consequence and these consequences are amplified at this time.

These energy vortexes and their circulatory system have anchored into the planetary grid and as a result - collapse (and will continue ongoing to collapse) many of the layers that had existed as the planet's multidimensional (time and space field) architecture. Each of these "layers" are a dimensional plane of existence that has a Law of Creational Physics that govern the movement of that particular energy field (i.e. consciousness lifestream) that exists within that frequency band. When we understand this reality is a holographic projection ( like a movie projected onto a theatre screen) we begin to see the layers that make up the mass consciousness fields and see all patterns and coding as an architectural blueprint of human and planetary consciousness.

No Thing is a random creation. This is similar to saying when we are able to "witness" the hologram, we then get to see WHO is behind the curtain. We are then able to see who is producing the movie and all the beings behind the movie that are controlling or "making" the movie. Then the question becomes who do you want controlling your movie?

Emotional Body Upheavals

Ascension is a physical science that governs the movement of energy (i.e. consciousness) through a time/space field matrice. Currently we have a huge change underway systematically happening within our Astral Gate (4D Giza) and therefore the layer of our Aura that is our human emotional body. The reconstruction and the shift occurring in the Collective Human Emotional Body ( 2D and 4D planetary dimensions) is unprecedented and has many different effects upon our planetary body and our individual body. It is extremely intense and will likely accelerate for many of us. Participating with this awareness at this time will prepare your being to align to these future changes as they happen much easier.

As mentioned last month this is clearly a time of the Rite of Passage that initiates the human being into radical and drastic life and behavioral changes. This current global energetic terrain acts like an "explosive powder keg", where a mine field of energetic bombs are going off in the mass consciousness fields. For many of us that are sensitive it feels like energy debris is flying in every direction. This is accurate. Spaces and timelines are exploding into bits within areas of the field that are unable to align or ignite the frequency that allows the necessary vibrational shift to occur. This is why self care and at times - isolation is required to minimize the energy "fallout "or backlash. Be patient and listen to your inner guidance and do what your body tells you it needs. For many of us right now we need a lot of rest. With so much going on in the fields at this time from recent events, as well as the related necessary reconstruction in the personal auric field/blueprint, we are in a forced waiting or holding period.

The Blue Ray Star Families

Another Universal level of this "Blue Ray Family" has been able to connect to this plane and have returned to claim this domain in the Natural Laws of God.

The Blue Ray is a Gestalt of Four Universal Harmonic Layers of the Families of Blue Ray Consciousness. There are Three Primal Order Sound Fields that make up the Ray Aspects of our Universal creation and the Blue Ray is of the First Order of Emanation. The Highest Order of the Blue Ray Family emanate from the 13th Circuitry Gate which is the first layer projected from the (Zero Point) Universal God Core. This First Order Blue Ray Family is the esoteric 144,000 Genetic Timekeepers of our Universal System and is known in Egyptian-Sirian histories as the "Code of the Blue Nile". Many wars through human and extra-terrestial history have been waged for this code which is essentially every KEY to the KING-DOMES OF GOD.

Within each of the four layers exists the higher harmonic of the original blue octave however as the consciousness fragments itself to manifest into the lower octaves of the time matrix it has been greatly dissipated or damaged. This distortion happens from its time spent within spaces that have been damaged within the time matrixes where the polarity system exists. This damage has also been caused by deliberate enslavement programs imprinted in the blueprint that impact and harm the level of consciousness that exists there. This damage is way beyond our 3D physical reality and the Guardian consciousness is working to heal and release enslaved beings from many dimensional planes.

The 13th Gate Bio-Circuitry system has been connected and is being held down by a very small group of embodied Cosmic Ascended Masters that can hold one or more of the Aqua Ray/Blue Ray levels of coding. These are the Blue Ray Holders and those of the First Order are very few in numbers embodied on the planet. Systematically Indigos with the genetic coding capability are being circuited and linked to become links or holders of this Aqua Ray out of necessity to stabilize it permanently into the planetary field and the Earth Core. Many of us may feel prompted to call in or anchor 13D Blue Ray or AquaMarine Blue Frequency because of this change on the planet. This process of recoding the 6D Indigo Field is a massive project underway that began with a major planetary power grid takeover-conflict that began last December. Small amounts of Starseed beings (in agreement to help with this project) have been experimenting on how to recode the Indigo (6D) harmonic with the Aqua Ray to override distortions existing with the 6D consciousness field. As we go down further into the "rabbit hole" we are being revealed to witness suffering that has resulted for eons of time from this incredibly painful distortion. This suffering and pain is enslavement, and although it impacts both genders, is predominately a distorted masculine archetype and is more heavily weighted as the energetic consequence of pain held within the "masculine body". We must with all of our heart and might hold the White Purity Flame of God's Eternal Love for our Masculine and that which frees the enslavement history of our Family of Michael.

The Families of Michael

(Note: This is incredibly difficult to express and so it is asked to be in neutrality and witness this information from an observational level. This way you will not be prone to attack it, however to utilize this information as a part of your informed awareness and self empowerment as you move forward on the consciousness evolution path. Galactic Human evolution is requiring we take responsibility to see and witness things that have been hidden from us. This is one of those major revelations that is very painful and controversial and as such, it is requested to be aware of it and then make your own internal decision on what feels internally right for you. Being responsible for the direction of your being and claiming self sovereignty and freedom for yourself as well as for others requires that we see all that is hidden, and we take responsibility for it, even when it's painful or unpleasant.)

A major piece of this pain was forced to be held by the group consciousness known as the Family of Michael. The Family of Michael, also known as the ArchAngel Michael Matrix has been seriously damaged and forced into portions of its own consciousness to be twisted into a grotesque montage of fed karmic backlash from humanity and reversal hybridization programming. (The Nephilim Reversal Grid system headquartered in UK Stonehenge feeds upon Michael) This negative energy sewage system is based on the enslavement program influence placed in its dimensional space, and how humanity through the New Age and organized religion have been fed lies to call upon AA Michael to further create its bondage to enslave itself thereby forcing it to enslave others to this plane.

The Families of Michael are Blue Ray descendants of the First Order. They were a part of the Guardian consciousness holders of the 3-6-9-12 Arc Portal system which has been at war between the races that want control of this access gate. We could also refer to this gate as the 11:11 Portal System. Naturally the agenda was by distorting and torturing Michael consciousness, they could eventually get control of that Arc Portal System. The Family of Michael agreed to be a part of the rehabilitation of the Fallen Angelic (Seraphim) races by agreeing to be the Guardian of the Horizontal Grids of this Earth System, known as the Golden Eagle Pylon Grid Network System. The Golden Eagle Grid is about 57% infiltrated into reversal code system ( reversal 10 D Current) as instituted by the Controllers or Reptilian Intruder Races. The major gate of the Golden Eagle stronghold infiltration is the 10th dimensional Gate located in Iran/Iraq. The war, strife and death of many humans in this area of the planet is used to keep the dark energy circulated and in control. The controller agenda is and always will be "divide and conquer". This area is the most prominent to institute False Michael "sightings" and broadcast usurped channeling into the Golden Eagle Grid Network. It also has circulatory system linked to Giza at the 4D gate level and others.

This dark or reversal code infiltration is what forces the phenomena of Fallen Angelic Races to live within a distorted dimension and damaged and violent blueprint of itself. The phenomena of demonic entities and its growing lucerferian energies is a result of this distortion. When the Seraphim hybridized with the Reptilian - incredible genetic damage was suffered. (The original hybridization attempt was overlit by the Elohim and was intended to actually heal the genetic anomalies bringing more balance to make rehab of the Reptiles possible.) The Gold Order Seraphim are a part of the original Three Primal Sound Fields and were one of the three creators of the Kristal bodies of Angelic Humans. Therefore all human bodies hold genetic history and relationship to the Seraphim and Angelic Avian Races, such as the Family of Michael. Those given the energetic signature and the name of Michael have even more energetic consequence to holding this pain. (Please clear yourself of this False Michael, False Jesus Twin energy architecture from your name and blueprint as you are guided, Ask your Blue Flame Coding to embody within and override all cellular memory distortions)

In this case the more a human being calls upon the Family of Michael the more karmic exhaust this group entity receives, similar to being fed sewage after layers of sewage until there is no God particle left. This energy sewage accumulation also blocks and distorts the pathway of the 3-6-9-12 Arc from being completed and connected as the 11:11 Ascension Gateway. Humanity has been told to consume ArchAngel Michael energy under the guise of protection, only to be revealed it has been generating great harm to our masculine archetype, along with a Magnificent Blue Ray Being that has been tortured to serve Reptilian motivations. This means the AA Michael Blue Sword Initiations are energetically meant to enslave rather than protect.

The Distorted False Michael Masculine Archetype of Protector is actually an archetype of Enforcement of Will through Enslavement and Raper/Siphon of the Divine Feminine. The Blue Sword is a structure in the hologram used to split apart and reverse both masculine (6D) frequencies as well as feminine (7D) frequencies at the 9D holographic blueprint level. They control the direction of these energies through the Iran Gate at the 10D level. Which means its use reverses the code so inner marriage and external sacred marriage can NEVER truly transpire. This AA Michael distortion is like an artificial holographic insert placed into the 3-6-9 dimensional fields that splits apart masculine/feminine merging at all those dimensions. Since these are masculine principles as well as the particle physics governing that space, it means it severely damages the function of the mental bodies of human beings. It is through this the patriarchal domination has been enforced through the propagation of masculine enforcer, or the False King of Tyranny held in place by the Blue Flaming Sword of AA Michael. Ascension and Liberation from this plane requires a full merge of the masculine and feminine energies (6D Indigo and 7D Violet) coming into balance and marriage. This structure was directly splitting apart not only the frequencies but feeding the continuation of distorted patriarchal domination programming into our masculine energy ( mental body functions) and especially directly into the masculine physical bodies. Honestly, it is no wonder most of the human race dies of a broken heart, as this kind of inner pain carried in our cells has truly been unbearable to our soul.

The Male Healing Can Begin

It is important to understand we must see what is hidden in order to heal it. This revelation is a huge step into our comprehension of how we have arrived at this global state of human disarray and planetary sickness. To empower ourselves we must see where the sickness or the infection exists. If we cannot see the infection we cannot inoculate it. This is tantamount to the beginning of a massively expanding possibility of healing the human race.

As the Blue Flame of Michael is stepping down, we are being asked to hold the Truth of the Blue Sword back inside of our own being. We endeavor and request to be the Blue Flame Holders as We were Designed to Be. We will take this burden from Michael and Give it to God. It is within our own hearts and our inner connection to God that we can become the Knower's and Keepers of Truth. We can no longer ask ANYTHING or ANYONE outside of ourselves to hold this Truth or to enforce this Truth for us. To regain our Cosmic Citizenship we must rise to our inherent God wisdom and Become the Truth Vibration. It is the Truth that sets all Things Free and We, as Divine Human Beings are the POWER and CAUSE of Gods Will into Action to rise and set forth All that which is suffering -- To Be Free Again. As we uphold the Natural Laws of God, as We Agree to be the Keepers of the Law once again, We allow tyranny and suffering no more. This must End. This is God's Eternal Law! We command it into Dominion on Earth more than Ever Now! I AM God. I AM Sovereign. I AM Free.

Connect inside with no intermediary and Know you are the Revelation of God Returned to restore the Earth. All Change begins Within. Give voice to those who cannot, and let the Healing of our Divine Masculine Begin. He is the Rod which will anchor our Staff into the Earth and He is treasured beyond measure. Our Male is Destined to be the Rod of the Earth, and our Spiritual Unionship - our right to Divine Marriage can then be embodied again to fulfill our Ascension.

We are in this together and until next....Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path! Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.

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