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The Secret of the Universe (video)

Coral Castle and the Ancient Secret of Antigravity
The ancient secrets of antigravity are revealed as the result of an in depth study - clues left by Edward Leedskalnin at Coral Castle, and the Freemasons Lodge (Grand Masonic Lodge) at Philadelphia. The Golden Ratio (Phi), or the Golden Section, and it's relationship to Prime Numbers, Prime Quadruplets, and the Pyramid Shape with an angle of 51.83 degrees is revealed for the first time!

The formerly hidden secrets of anti-gravity and magnetism are here. The Star of David hexagram is a key as well, along with the number 144. Learn how the ancient megaliths of the world were really constructed. The best way to a real antigravity solution - infinitely easier to construct than Searl, Hutchison, and others.

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De boodschap van water

Masaru Emoto (Yokohama, Japan, 1943) is hoofd van het I.H.M. General Research Institute. In de afgelopen jaren heeft hij uitvoerig onderzoek gedaan naar de eigenschappen van water. De resultaten hiervan zijn op schrift gesteld in zijn tweede boek 'The Message of Water' (De Boodschap van Water).

Bron:Link en compleet verhaal Welcome to the world of water

# Bijzondere woorden vormen bijzondere kristallen
# Verschillende soorten muziek veroorzaken gevarieerde patronen van waterkristallen
# Je wordt wat je denkt (en mensen bestaan voor meer dan 66% uit water)
# De kracht van gedachten, taal en geluid kan zelfs water schoonmaken en desinfecteren.

Message from the water

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Rupert Sheldrake

The Extended Mind

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MorphoGenetic Fields
In 1981 Rupert Sheldrake outraged the scientific establishment with his hypothesis of morphic resonance. A morphogenetic field is a hypothetical biological field that contains the information necessary to shape the exact form of a living thing. A presentation at the Biology of Transformation Conference in 2007

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2012 Enigma; David Wilcock

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2012: Tragedy, transcension or just another year? David Wilcock exposes many great secrets: DNA, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate travel, sacred geometry, three-dimensional time, the Mayan Calendar and much, much more! Part I: CONVERGENCE The Movie, consciousness energy field, Edgar Cayce reincarnation, Da Vinci Code, Inconvenient Truth, galactic alignment, dodecahedron, 2012 / DNA crop circles,
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Tijd Is Relatief

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In iedere natuurlijke levensloop kunnen we een golfbeweging terug zien. Wetenschappers noemen dit de S-curve. Maar, en nu komt het, dit patroon zit ook in onze geschiedenis. Aan het einde van iedere golf maakte het leven op Aarde een sprong naar een hoger bewustzijn. Dit is nu 7 maal gebeurd. De vorige sprong heeft ons planetair bewustzijn gebracht, waarmee we ons bewust werden dat mondiale problemen om mondiale aanpakken vragen. We staan nu aan de vooravond van de achtste bewustzijnsprong. Deze ontdekking van een vast patroon in de voortgang (of evolutie) van het leven op Aarde biedt een verklaring voor alle gebeurtenissen uit onze geschiedenis van de afgelopen 16,4 miljard jaar! Er is dus helemaal geen sprake van toeval geweest. Via dit patroon kennen we dan dus ook de nabije toekomst. Deze onthulling verklaart alles waarvoor de huidige wetenschappers nu geen verklaring hebben: • Hoe kan het dat de mens maar 10% van zijn hersencapaciteit gebruikt? • Hoe kan het dat de mens maar 5% van zijn DNA nodig schijnt te hebben? • Hoe kan het dat er overal op Aarde bouwwerken staan van minimaal 10.000 jaar oud die wij met onze huidige technologie niet eens na kunnen maken? • Hoe kan het dat er zomaar Homo Sapiens op Aarde zijn gekomen en dat de missing link met de Homo Erectus nog steeds niet is gevonden? • Hoe kan het dat het Romeinse Rijk zomaar is gevallen? • Waarom zijn John F. Kennedy, Marten Luther King, John Lennon, Yihtzak Rabin, Lady Diana, Pim Fortuyn en vele anderen uit de weg geruimd? • Wat is nu de ware reden achter 9/11 en de golfoorlogen? • Waarom hebben we nog steeds geen nulpuntenergie? • Waarom zitten we nu in een financiële crisis? • Waarom beloven politici gouden bergen maar kunnen ze helemaal niets waarmaken wanneer ze op het pluche zitten? In een verhaal van slechts 25 minuten worden al deze vragen beantwoord!
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Debunking Maxwell Jordan Part 1 of 7

Debunking Maxwell Jordan Part 2 of 7

Debunking Maxwell Jordan Part 3 of 7

Debunking Maxwell Jordan Part 4 of 7

Debunking Maxwell Jordan Part 5 of 7

Debunking Maxwell Jordan Part 6 of 7

Debunking Maxwell Jordan Part 7 of 7
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Lezing van Mike Heiser over de 'Hemelse tronen' die beschreven staan in het Bijbelboek Ezechiël. Deze beschrijvingen worden vaak aangedragen als een bron uit de oudheid in vele boeken, met als onderwerp 'Alternative History', voor UFO sightings.

Mike Heiser bewijst middels deze lezing dat er geen enkele connectie is tussen UFO's en de beschrijvingen van 'Hemelse tronen' uit Ezechiël.
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 8 september 2009 om 09:12:
Dit vond ik een nogal interesante docu..

Uitspraak van veewagter milko op dinsdag 8 september 2009 om 11:42:

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We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate.

The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.

For this purpose, HOME needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film.

HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet.

Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Vind dit persoonlijk een erg mooie en aangrijpende film (in HD) Ben het niet met alles eens maar vind dat ik hem wel met jullie moet delen.

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Who's Afraid of a Big Black Hole?
Next on:
Today, 21:00 on BBC Two (England, Northern Ireland, Wales only)

Black holes are one of the most destructive forces in the universe, capable of tearing a planet apart and swallowing an entire star. Yet scientists now believe they could hold the key to answering the ultimate question - what was there before the Big Bang?

The trouble is that researching them is next to impossible. Black holes are by definition invisible and there's no scientific theory able to explain them. Despite these obvious obstacles, Horizon meets the astronomers attempting to image a black hole for the very first time and the theoretical physicists getting ever closer to unlocking their mysteries. It's a story that takes us into the heart of a black hole and to the very edge of what we think we know about the universe.

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Black Holes are one of the most destructive forces in the universe, capable of tearing a planet apart and swallowing an entire star. Scientists describe what would happen if you were to fall into a black hole.

Photo: Michio Kaku

Professor Michio Kaku, who teaches at City University of New York, is an specialist in string field theory.

Photo: Max Tegmark

Professor Max Tegmark of Massachusetts Institute of Technology stands in front of Niagara Falls.

Director Stephen Cooter
Producer Stephen Cooter
Executive Producer Andrew Cohen

Tue 3 Nov 2009 21:00BBC Two (England, Northern Ireland, Wales only)
Tue 3 Nov 2009 22:30BBC HD
Tue 3 Nov 2009 23:20BBC Two (Scotland only)

Voor ons is dat dus vanavond om 22:00 uur op BBC 2 (51 als je Digitale Televisie van Ziggo hebt).
Canabis Cures Cancer

Run from the cure - The Rick Simpson story

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Fuck die griepvaccinatie ik damp wel gewoon n weedie meer...

Medi Vapour Chart (uit Soft Secrets UK)

Please share this information with other medi. users!!!

The information sourced in this report was sent to us in way of a ‘photocopy’ from work conducted by a group of Chemists (old friends) whose extra-curricular academic activity includes exploration into cannabis compounds. Likewise the people that forwarded this information over wanted to release this information now for the benefit of the Medi Cannabis Community. Many thanks to all those involved.

In a nutshell, different compounds within the chemical profile of cannabis are released into the atmosphere (and human body) at different levels of temperature. Vaporizing is a modern way of inhaling the most active ingredients of cannabis without combustion, smoke or fire. As the air surrounding the cannabis flower rises in temperature the active compounds within cannabis are released. In theory by controlling the vaporizer temperature setting smokers are able to inhale different cannabis compounds in relative isolation to the other cannabis compounds.

The resin that surrounds cannabis flowers contains more than 200 separate chemical compounds depending on individual cultivar - each of which produces a very different medicinal effect. These chemical compounds are associated with the smell, taste, flavour, the stickiness and toxicity of the plant material at varying ages. In this report we shall look at only 6 of the 40 known cannabinoids within cannabis:

?-9-tetrahydro-cannabinol (THC) is the compound in cannabis that gives smokers the classic ‘high’ effect. However in humans THC also acts as a Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiemetic and Euphoriant. Temperature setting 157c

Cannabidinol (CBD) is one of the compounds within cannabis that provides medicinal cannabis users with a mental sense of wellbeing and ease. CBD is a Anxiolytic, Analgesic, Antipsychotic, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, and Antispasmodic. Temperature setting 160 - 180c

Cannabinol (CBN) is a complex compound. CBN acts as an Oxidization Breakdown Product when consumed by humans, as a Sedative, and as an Antibiotic. Temperature setting 185c

Cannabichrome (CBC) is the often unmentioned compound. CBC holds Anti-inflammatory, Antibiotic, and Antifungal properties. Temperature setting 220c

Cannabigcrol (CBG) is another relatively unknown compound. CBG likewise holds Anti-inflammatory, Antibiotic, and Antifungal properties. Temperature setting 220c

Tetrahydro-cannabivarin (THCV) is the compound within cannabis that gives smokers a ‘rush’ or immediate ‘up’ effect. THCV is an Analgesic and Euphoriant. Temperature setting -220c

The temperature settings above are compatible with the ‘Volcano Vaporizer’ (see Medi Vapor Chart for # settings). A Volcano Vaporizer unit was therefore used while testing the hypothesis in this report.

So, we had the ‘Medi Vapor Chart’ in one hand, a flower of cannabis from Magus Genetics in the other, and a Volcano Vaporizer on the table in front of us. Our host proceeded to switch on the big silver vaporizer device and explain how it worked. Then they broke the dried flower down into the herb portal, dialed the temperature setting to 155c (approx.) and placed the collection bag over the top of the device. A green light was switched on and the bag was slowly filled up with THC vapor. Once filled with vapor the device was switched off. We then shared the vapor bag between us.
Creationism vs. Evolutionism

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, looks @ scientists on both sides of the issue…and reveals some truly shocking answers.

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This video from AAAS, the non-profit science society, explains why religion and science need not be in opposition. It is a response to the intelligent design propaganda movie, "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed," with Ben Stein.

:bye: Atheists & blind faith Religion(ists), ponder this: Religion/Spirituality & Science zijn complementair..;)

Origin of the Species, From an Alien View

If you’re going to ask Zecharia Sitchin, be ready for a “Planet of the Apes” scenario: spaceships and hieroglyphics, genetic mutations and mutinous space aliens in gold mines.

It sounds like science fiction, but Mr. Sitchin is sure this is how it all went down hundreds of thousands of years ago in Mesopotamia. Humans were genetically engineered by extraterrestrials, he said, pointing to ancient texts to prove it.

In Mr. Sitchin’s Upper West Side kitchen, evolution and creationism collide. He is an apparently sane, sharp, University of London-educated 89-year-old who has spent his life arguing that people evolved with a little genetic intervention from ancient astronauts who came to Earth and needed laborers to mine gold to bring back to Nibiru, a planet we have yet to recognize.

Outlandish, yes, but also somehow intriguing from this cute, distinguished old man whom you may have seen shuffling slowly down Broadway with his cane, and thought, “Is Art Carney still alive?”

So you bring your laptop to his kitchen table, as if to take dictation, and ask what to write about him. He pads slowly to the stove and puts on the kettle.

“Well, you could start by calling me the most controversial 89-year-old man in New York,” Mr. Sitchin says. “Or you could just say I write books. I understand you’ve got to have an opening sentence, but describing my theories in a sentence, or even something like a newspaper article, is impossible. It will make me look silly.”

Mr. Sitchin has been called silly before — by scientists, historians and archaeologists who dismiss his theories as pseudoscience and fault their underpinnings: his translations of ancient texts and his understanding of physics. And yet, he has a devoted following of readers.

His 13 books, with names like “Genesis Revisited” and “The Earth Chronicles,” have sold millions of copies and been translated into 25 languages. “And Albanian is coming,” he notes, spooning the Taster’s Choice into two mugs.

Mr. Sitchin himself represents a remarkable feat of urban evolution that often goes unnoticed. He lives alone, in the sprawling prewar apartment he has inhabited for 54 years, maintaining his independence by relying on the infrastructure many Manhattanites take for granted.

He works away on his latest book, answers fan mail, and at midday, reaches for his cane, floppy hat and overcoat, and rides the elevator down from the second floor to the lobby. The doorman hails him a cab for the $4 ride to a nearby diner, Cafe Eighty Two on Broadway, for the lunch special, the chicken gyro, where there are other elderly people doing the same.

The Upper West Side is Mr. Sitchin’s Mesopotamia, Broadway a fertile valley. He has Lincoln Center, Zabar’s, Fairway, dry cleaners that deliver and a galaxy of take-out restaurants. For research, the New York Public Library is down on 42nd Street, and the archives of the Jewish Theological Seminary up on Broadway at 122nd Street.

“In Florida, if you don’t have a car, you might as well lay down and die,” he said. “I’ve been all over the Western world and I know of no other place where an older person like myself can survive on his own. I raise my hand, and my chauffeured car — a yellow cab — takes me anywhere. I can call any restaurant or store and get what I need delivered in minutes.”

He slides over a cup of coffee in a mug with a 30th anniversary logo for “The Twelfth Planet,” his seminal first book, now in its 45th printing. It stated his basic theory, based largely on his reading of texts preserved on clay tablets from the pre-Babylonian era in ancient Mesopotamia, the so-called cradle of the civilization of Sumer.

Born in Russia and raised in Israel, Mr. Sitchin studied economics in London and worked as a journalist and editor in Israel before moving to New York in 1952. Here, he was an executive at a shipping company and, with his wife of 66 years (she died in 2007), raised two daughters. He spent his free time studying, leading archaeological tours to ancient sites and spreading his unusual gospel.

Starting in childhood, he has studied ancient Hebrew, Akkadian and Sumerian, the language of the ancient Mesopotamians, who brought you geometry, astronomy, the chariot and the lunar calendar. And in the etchings of Sumerian pre-cuneiform script — the oldest example of writing — are stories of creation and the cosmos that most consider myth and allegory, but that Mr. Sitchin takes literally.

In his kitchen, Mr. Sitchin pulled two Danish out of a Zabar’s bag and began to explain. It starts with the planet Nibiru, whose long, elliptical orbit brings it near Earth once every 3,600 years or so. The planet’s inhabitants were technologically advanced humanlike beings, Mr. Sitchin said, standing about nine feet tall. Some 450,000 years ago, they detected reserves of gold in southeast Africa and made a colonial expedition to Earth, splashing down in what is now the Persian Gulf.

Mr. Sitchin said these Nibiru-ites recruited laborers from Earth’s erect primates to build eight great cities. Enki, who became the Sumerians’ god of science, bestowed some of the Nibiru-ites’ advanced genetic makeup upon these bipeds so they could work as miners.

This is how Mr. Sitchin explains what scientists attribute to evolution. He says the aliens’ cities were washed away in a great flood 30,000 years ago, after which they began passing on their knowledge to humans. He showed a photograph of a woodcarving from 7,000 B.C. of a large man handing over a plow to a smaller man: Ah, the passing on of agricultural knowledge. Anyway, he said, the Nibiru-ites finally jetted home in their spacecraft, around 550 B.C.

“This is in the texts; I’m not making it up,” Mr. Sitchin said, finishing his coffee. “They wanted to create primitive workers from the homo erectus and give him the genes to allow him to think and use tools.”

He showed photographs of ancient Sumerian carvings and etchings showing what he said were alien gods dressed in space helmets and suits. He pointed to something he called Nibiru in diagrams of the solar system.

Quite a theory — has he sold it to Hollywood?

“Oh no, not yet,” he said solemnly. “I’m waiting for Spielberg.”

Source: New York Times
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Type-1, here we come! Type-3 is what we'll be :D

Michio Kaku: We maken contact met buitenaardsen...wen er maar aan!

Astrofysicus Michio Kaku is in de ogen van velen een vreemde vogel. Hij is een wetenschapper die niet alleen 'out of the box' denkt, ook schroomt hij er niet voor om over het bestaan van buitenaards leven te praten.

Hij zegt dan misschien niet letterlijk dat UFO's bestaan en dat buitenaardsen onze planeet bezoeken, maar is wel bereid zich ervoor open te stellen en filosofeert over het feit dat zij ons kunnen bereiken. Zo stelt hij ook de theorie ter discussie dat niet bezocht kunnen zijn, vanwege de onmetelijke afstanden die daarvoor moeten worden overbrugt.

Dr. Kaku is zogezegd een enthousiasteling die zijn visies en onderzoek naar andere dimensies graag overbrengt op het grote publiek.

Bekijk het interview met Michio Kaku van de TV show 'Brink' dat werd uitgezonden op Science Channel:


wat denken jullie? In 2012 evolutie-sprong naar type-1? met wat hulp van ET maybe?
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Type I zijn we nu al zo goed als bijna. Met hulp van ET zou Type 2 binnen bereik moeten liggen.

The Living Matrix
Nieuwe inzichten in ons lichaam, geest en gezondheid


Torrent download;

The Living Matrix: Torrent

Artikelcode: 03.002a

Beknopte beschrijving

In de film The Living Matrix - The
New Science of Healing (2009) ont-
dek je het ingewikkelde web van
factoren die ons welzijn en onze
gezondheid bepalen. Van de kwan-
tum fysica van het lichaamsveld
(body Field) tot gezondheidszorg;
die de onderlinge commmunicatie
via energetische processen tussen
de cellen als uitgangspunt neemt,
The Living Matrix onderzoekt en
laat je kennis maken met nieuwe
innovatieve ideeën over gezond-
heid. Wetenschappers, fysiologen, bio-energetische onder-
zoekers en holistische beoefenaars delen hun kennis, erva-
ringen en inzichten.

De familie van een jonge Griekse jongen met een spasti-
sche verlamming probeert zijn kwaliteit van leven te ver-
beteren door middel van reconnective healing. Een Britse
vrouw met de diagnose van een inoperabele tumor ver-
diept zichzelf in neurolinguistisch programmeren. Een Ame-
rikaanse vrouw die het op heeft gegeven iets te doen aan
haar chronische vermoeidheid begint toch als allerlaatste
optie aan een, op cel-communicatie gebaseerde therapie.
Elk van deze drie mensen herstellen...

In The Living Matrix onthullen onderzoekers en artsen de
wetenschappelijke theorieën achter deze wonderbaarlijke
genezingen en bijzondere manieren van genezen die door
de traditionele geneeskunde (nog) niet te verklaren zijn.
Ons lichaam is meer dan een biochemische machine. Onze
cellen zijn zenders en ontvangers van informatie die onze
gezondheid bepalen op manieren die we ons nog nooit
voorgesteld hadden. De sprekers vertellen over hun ver-
wachting hoe deze ideeën de toekomst van ons welzijn
en het geneesproces zullen gaan beïnvloeden.

Maak kennis met deze informatie en ontdek hoe, geba-
seerd op het laatse wetenschappelijke onderzoek, je je
eigen lichaam kunt vitaliseren en hoe je beter kunt wor-
den en gezond kunt blijven.

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Gouwe Ouwe, was m kwijt...lost it but found it again(l)

Kymatica (video)

Sequel to the Esoteric Agenda, this movie focuses on human and universal consciousness and points out psyche disease that mankind has induced that is creating insane illusion which is the main cause of pain and suffer. Goes deeper into metaphysical aspects and connects ancient hidden myths and history with modern ways of society and political outcome. Explains shamanism, duality, and reality behind DNAs and modern false beliefs. Overall, Kymatica is another excellent movie which attempts to point out the fundamental misconception that humankind are facing today that has resulted in imbalance between planet, nature and species.

Featuring Dr. Bruce Lipton and Henrik Palmgren (Red Ice Creations)

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The Esoteric Agenda

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Dr Leonard Horrowitz discusses what our DNA might truly be for - and who has hidden this secret from us. Time to wake up. Genetic Antenna to the Creator.

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Terence McKenna and Rupert Sheldrake speak on Morphogenetic Field Theory.

A morphogenetic field (a subset of morphic field) is a hypothetical biological (and potentially social) field that contains the information necessary to shape the exact form of a living thing, as part of its epigenetics, and may also shape its behaviour and coordination with other beings (see also morphogenesis). This hypothesis is not accepted by the scientific community, who consider it pseudoscientific.

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Rupert Sheldrake - The Morphogenetic Universe

In 1981 Rupert Sheldrake outraged the scientific establishment with his hypothesis of morphic resonance. A morphogenetic field is a hypothetical biological field that contains the information necessary to shape the exact form of a living thing. A presentation at the Biology of Transformation Conference in 2007.

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Challenge yourself, your peers, your teachers. Participate in a revolution in science and human evolution. Watch this film and in an hour know more than most NASA scientists about the fundamental force that forms and sustains the universe (summary below).

The Thunderbolts Project calls into question not only countless modern scientific assumptions, but also the billions of dollars of big-science government and corporate funding that continues to preserve and entrench questionable theories - elevating them to the status of doctrine - while systematically excluding legitimate alternatives that threaten the status-quo. Alternatives that may represent the future of science.

The Thunderbolts Project offers remarkably simple explanations for 'black holes', 'dark matter', the electric sun, comets that are NOT made of ice, planetary scarring and many other 'mysterious' phenomena. It proposes that much of the currently observable phenomena of deep space can be intelligently explained by already known principles of electricity. High school students get it immediately. A doctorate in higher math is not required. This extraordinary new theory also redefines ancient history, linking rock art images carved in basalt 5,000 years ago with identical images found only in Hubble photographs of deep space or in photographs of recently declassified high-energy plasma discharge experiments generated in a billion dollar lab.

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Ayahuasca documentaire

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Shamanism - Other Worlds - Ayahuasca Documentary (Shaman_-_Other_Worlds_-_Ayahuasca_Documentary.avi) Ayahuasca is used largely as a religious sacrament. Those whose usage of ayahuasca is performed in non-traditional contexts often align themselves with the philosophies and cosmologies associated with ayahuasca shamanism, as practiced among indigenous peoples like the Urarina of Peruvian Amazonia. The religion Santo Daime uses it. While non-native users know of the spiritual applications of ayahuasca, a less well-known traditional usage focuses on the medicinal properties of ayahuasca. Its purgative properties are highly important (many refer to it as la purga, "the purge"). The intense vomiting and occasional diarrhea it induces can clear the body of worms and other tropical parasites, and harmala alkaloids themselves have been shown to be anthelmintic. Thus, this action is twofold; a direct action on the parasites by these harmala alkaloids (particularly harmine in ayahuasca) works to kill the parasites, and parasites are expelled through the increased intestinal motility that is caused by these alkaloids. check:
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The Man Who Drank The Universe

THE MAN WHO DRANK THE UNIVERSE A film by Brown Eyed Boy & Alistair Appleton A 30 min documentary following Alistair's experiences with ayahuasca, a powerful plant medicine used for thousands of years by the Amazonian shaman. In October 2004, Alistair, a British TV presenter and till then, tee-total Buddhist, agreed to drink this hallucinogenic tea with 10 other participants under the watchful eye of Argentinian psychotherapist Silvia Polivoy. His life was about to change for good...

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a JOSE ESCAMILLA film "for your eyes only"


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De Farmacratische Inquisitie

Dit is de Nederlands ondertitelde versie van The Pharmacratic Inquisition, een film uit 2007 over de rol die bewustzijnsverruimende planten en paddenstoelen gespeeld hebben in de ontwikkeling van folklore en religie.

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Graham Hancock ~ DMT, LSD & DNA Discovery

Nobel Prize genius Crick was high on LSD when he discovered the secret of life?


Francis Crick, the Nobel Prize-winning father of modern genetics, was under the influence of LSD when he first deduced the double-helix structure of DNA nearly 50 years ago.

The abrasive and unorthodox Crick and his brilliant American co-researcher James Watson famously celebrated their eureka moment in March 1953 by running from the now legendary Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge to the nearby Eagle pub, where they announced over pints of bitter that they had discovered the secret of life.

Crick, who died ten days ago, aged 88, later told a fellow scientist that he often used small doses of LSD then an experimental drug used in psychotherapy to boost his powers of thought. He said it was LSD, not the Eagle's warm beer, that helped him to unravel the structure of DNA, the discovery that won him the Nobel Prize.

Despite his Establishment image, Crick was a devotee of novelist Aldous Huxley, whose accounts of his experiments with LSD and another hallucinogen, mescaline, in the short stories The Doors Of Perception and Heaven And Hell became cult texts for the hippies of the Sixties and Seventies. In the late Sixties, Crick was a founder member of Soma, a legalise-cannabis group named after the drug in Huxley's novel Brave New World. He even put his name to a famous letter to The Times in 1967 calling for a reform in the drugs laws.

It was through his membership of Soma that Crick inadvertently became the inspiration for the biggest LSD manufacturing conspiracy-the world has ever seen the multimillion-pound drug factory in a remote farmhouse in Wales that was smashed by the Operation Julie raids of the late Seventies.

Crick's involvement with the gang was fleeting but crucial. The revered scientist had been invited to the Cambridge home of freewheeling American writer David Solomon a friend of hippie LSD guru Timothy Leary who had come to Britain in 1967 on a quest to discover a method for manufacturing pure THC, the active ingredient of cannabis.

It was Crick's presence in Solomon's social circle that attracted a brilliant young biochemist, Richard Kemp, who soon became a convert to the attractions of both cannabis and LSD. Kemp was recruited to the THC project in 1968, but soon afterwards devised the world's first foolproof method of producing cheap, pure LSD. Solomon and Kemp went into business, manufacturing acid in a succession of rented houses before setting up their laboratory in a cottage on a hillside near Tregaron, Carmarthenshire, in 1973. It is estimated that Kemp manufactured drugs worth Pounds 2.5 million an astonishing amount in the Seventies before police stormed the building in 1977 and seized enough pure LSD and its constituent chemicals to make two million LSD 'tabs'.

The arrest and conviction of Solomon, Kemp and a string of co-conspirators dominated the headlines for months. I was covering the case as a reporter at the time and it was then that I met Kemp's close friend, Garrod Harker, whose home had been raided by police but who had not been arrest ed. Harker told me that Kemp and his girlfriend Christine Bott by then in jail were hippie idealists who were completely uninterested in the money they were making.

They gave away thousands to pet causes such as the Glastonbury pop festival and the drugs charity Release.

'They have a philosophy,' Harker told me at the time. 'They believe industrial society will collapse when the oil runs out and that the answer is to change people's mindsets using acid. They believe LSD can help people to see that a return to a natural society based on self-sufficiency is the only way to save themselves.

'Dick Kemp told me he met Francis Crick at Cambridge. Crick had told him that some Cambridge academics used LSD in tiny amounts as a thinking tool, to liberate them from preconceptions and let their genius wander freely to new ideas. Crick told him he had perceived the double-helix shape while on LSD.

'It was clear that Dick Kemp was highly impressed and probably bowled over by what Crick had told him. He told me that if a man like Crick, who had gone to the heart of human existence, had used LSD, then it was worth using. Crick was certainly Dick Kemp's inspiration.' Shortly afterwards I visited Crick at his home, Golden Helix, in Cambridge.

He listened with rapt, amused attention to what I told him about the role of LSD in his Nobel Prize-winning discovery. He gave no intimation of surprise. When I had finished, he said: 'Print a word of it and I'll sue.'

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Timewave Zero - Terrance Mckenna

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Terence McKenna - The Alchemical Dream Rebirth of the Great Work 2008

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Watch Adam Yellow Bird's presentation at the LA Conference, presented Sunday April 11, 2010. In this presentation, Adam brings messages from his journey, introduces 'The Elder's Speak' videoclips and the 'Return of the Ancestors' update.
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Ancient Aliens - Ep 1 - The Evidence (video)

Airdate: April 20th, 2010 - History Channel

Ancient_Aliens_The_SeriesIf ancient aliens visited Earth, what was their legacy, and did they leave behind clues that exist in plain sight such as sophisticated aircraft, complex electrical grids, and intricate construction machinery? Indian Sanskrit texts, dating back to 6000 B.C., describe in varying but vivid detail flying machines called Vimanas. Megalithic stone structures in Egypt reveal evidence of precision saw work. Interpretations of the Jewish Zohar writings offer depictions of a life-sustaining manna machine, eerily similar to chlorella algae processing systems today.

Are these examples of modern technology, or is there evidence that these incredible mechanisms existed on Earth thousands of years ago?

This is another brilliant Adam Curtis documentary originally produced for the BBC. It talks about the modern political realities, where the policies came from and the massive failures of those ideals and how they have ended up exactly where they did not want to be. This episode starts in the Cold War and shows the seeds that were sown to produce the modern political reality. adam curtis, documentary, islam, politics, usa, uk, freedom, liberty.

The trap 1 What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom
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The trap 2 The Lonely Robot
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The trap 3 We will Force You To Be Free
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