© Sven Signe den Hartogh
Ingi Visions
12 maart 2018
NaamJulian Tjon Sack Kie & Sylvestro Tjon Sack Kie
Functie76 × DJ's, groep
HerkomstNederland Nederland


Examining field notes found in the third realm of the dense spirit world, we came to know more about the voyage that brought earth the blood brothers Samuel Deep and Julian Alexander. Unified under the moniker Ingi Visions, the beings are in fact earthlings, who had devoted their past hundred lives to an interdimensional psychonautical venture. The latest expedition brought them back to planet earth. Drawn to nearly extinct Surinam tribes for their knowledge of mind-altering plants, the apprentices immersed themselves completely in the sorcerers' magical world. Their aim was to reconstruct their inherently tribal grace to worship nature, and value every tree and pebble as an object of reverence. Yet, the seventh orbit of the Utrecht civilisation called them upon, and so they decided to abort their journey and descend on this tiny piece of earth in The Netherlands. The two encountered an almost apocalyptic settlement of artificial blocks built into walls of a so-called modern society...

Uitgaansagenda Ingi Visions

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 16 februari 2024: BASIS, BASIS, Utrecht


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76·in het verleden
geenstemresultaat (0.6892 stem)

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