HerkomstDuitsland 🇩🇪
WoonachtigNederland 🇳🇱
Ook herkend als
  • N!smo


He was born and raised in Germany and his artist name refers to his disability to see colors, because N!SMO has an red and green color blindness.

His first contact with Electronic music was when he heard the song "Insomnia" by Faithless and he was just mesmerized. He was astounded by the amount of creativity that could be put into making electronic music. Time and time again, N!SMO listened to this song and tried to recreate it with the DAW FL Studio and also studied how other artitsts made their songs. Since then, N!SMO's heart belonged to electronic music and it still does today.

After N!SMO finished school he completely focused on making music and evolve his own style and sound. At first, he made mostly Big Room songs, but he just felt that this wasn't going anywhere. So, he decided to completely reinvent his self and go back to the music he first started to produce.

Uitgaansagenda Nismo

Laatste optreden was op woensdag 19 oktober 2022: Young Gunz Muzic, Lil' Amsterdam, Amsterdam


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soundcloud Recente muziek

spotify Muziek