Massimo Logli
Functie1 × DJ
HerkomstItalië 🇮🇹


Massimo Logli approaches music at the age of 12 picking up a musicassette on the street.
His parents buy him a player with difficulty and Massimo discovers that the cassette contains "Saturday Night Fever".
From there the journey begins and as a listener of various musical genres, at the age of 50 after been a succesfull manager for more than 30 years he starts the adventure as DJ.
The first private parties then the first summer club, the Faruk in Marina di Pietrasanta,
where he performs under the stage name DJ The Cave.
What makes Massimo so special is the sound he make...from the beginning of 2021 he went to the top studio House of Glass and with Gianni Bini he develop his sound to reach the excellence in terms of quality and music.
his sound is a mixture of many influences that come from the 70ies to our days, from early funk to new wave across even rock and soul....
Massimo returns to talk about himself.…

Uitgaansagenda Massimo Logli

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 21 oktober 2022: Beenoise Showcase, Lunar, Amsterdam


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