Maja Pa
NaamMaja Pavlovic
HerkomstKroatië 🇭🇷
Genresbreaks, techno
drum & bass, techno


Young Croatian (Zagreb) based DJ and still a relatively new face to the clubbing scene, also a part of bRAVE collective (w/ Le Chocolat Noir and ikonal). Influenced by many experimental, synth, wave and industrial bands, 80s - 90s production, classical music and brothers tape collections, Maja began her DJ career just a few years ago. While avoiding the stereotypical party sounds, she presents interesting, energetic, sometimes eclectic sets that can vary between techno, electro, EBM, acid, avantgarde and various experimentations. Joined in the bRAVE collective with a few other like-minded colleagues, with each musical engagement, Maja is on a mission to bring back the let loose feeling amongst the people and also to present the hidden treasures of unconventional party scene in Croatia. So far you had the opportunity to hear her play at numerous venues in Zagreb, Rijeka, Ljubljana and Berlin, with a large number of respectable musicians.…

Uitgaansagenda Maja Pa

Laatste optreden was op donderdag 1 september 2022: Dimensions Festival, The Garden Resort, Tisno


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