11 oktober 2017
NaamBen Huang & Quentin Paquignon
Functie1 × live act, groep
HerkomstFrankrijk Frankrijk China China


Who is Ben Huang? If you like electronic music, have a certain understanding of the domestic music trend culture. Further on Shanghai, Beijing's multi-store culture has its own perception. Then Ben is an unavoidable name.
Ben has more than 20 years of electronic music DJ experience, from the early smash hit Beijing 88 club to the current Shanghai Bund where the red, he never tired of their different stages of music, fashion awareness to gather in the DJ audience Of the population. But in addition to music, with the life experience of different, he began to play film photography, play cars, began to collect, began to reveal a Shanghai modern life of men more self-definition.
For the music of Ben said, "Only in the face of the people I will know what to put music and how to put!" His sense of scene, as always, distinctive personality.
In photography, Ben devoted himself to the daily capture of city life. Whether in Shanghai, Beijing, other parts of the country or European cities...

Uitgaansagenda BHQP

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 21 oktober 2017: China Pavilion, VondelCS, Amsterdam


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