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Look out Robert Anton Wilson! Either David Icke is competing for the "Paranoid of the Decade" award or he knows something the rest of us don't. Icke reveals a sinister web connecting everything from the British royal family to major oil companies, to 33 of the last 40 U.S. presidents, in a global conspiracy masterminded by an interstellar brotherhood vying for planetary control through the manipulation of humanity's very way of life. Icke digs into every facet of contemporary society to expose the invisible horror lurking beneath the calm veneer of everyday life. In the process he gets downright offensive, knocking everything from Judaism to the Denver airport. Even if you can't swallow Icke's distasteful revelations or follow every step of his labyrinthine conspiracy theories, The Biggest Secret is sure to forever change the way you look at the Amoco oil logo. --Brian Patterson

Book Description

Every man, woman and child on the planet is affected by the stunning information that Icke exposes. Destined to be a global blockbuster.

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Hieronder voor de mensen die graag lezen nog een soort van korte samenvatting of inkijk in waar het boek voornamelijk omgaat. En jaja ik weet het nou wel; er zitten hier weinig mensen die van lezen houden; wees niet zo`n baby en lees het gewoon of reageer anders niet; je hebt toch leren lezen op school :/

The Biggest Secret
by David Icke
excerpts from the book ~ "The Biggest Secret"

In summary, a race of interbreeding bloodlines, a race within a race in fact, were centred in the Middle and Near East in the ancient world and , over the thousands of years since, have expanded their powers accross the globe. A crucial aspect of this has been to create a network of my stery schools and secret societies to covertly introduce their agenda while, at the same time, creating institutions like religions to mentally and emotionally imprison the masses and set them at war with each other. The heirarchy of this tribe of bloodlines is not exclusively male and some of its key positions are held by women. But in terms of numbers it is overwhelmingly male and I will therefore refer to this group as the Brotherhood. Even more accurately, given the importance of ancient Babylon to this story, I will also call it the Babylonian Brotherhood. The plan they term their 'Great Work of Ages', I will call the Brotherhood agenda.

I will refer to the clay tablets, therefore as the Sumerian texts or tablets. They are one of the greatest historical finds imaginable and yet 150 years after they were discovered they are still ignored by conventional history and education. Why? Because they demolish the official version of events.... according to (Zecharia Sitchen) the texts say that the Sumerian civilisation... was a "gift from the gods". Not mythical gods, but physical ones who lived among the. The tablets call these gods the AN.UNNAK.KI (Those from Heaven to Earth came), and DIN.GIR (The Righteous Ones of the Blazing Rockets). The ancient text known as the book of Enoch also calls the gods the "Watchers", as did the Egyptians. The egyptian name for their Gods, the Neteru, lierally translates as Watchers and they said that their gods came in heavenly boats.

According to Zecharia Sitchin, the tablets describe how the Anunnaki came from a planet called Nibiru (The Planet of the Crossing)... during the early formation of the solar system, Nibiru caused the near destruction of a planet that once existed between Jupiter and Mars. The Sumerians called it Tiamet, a planet they nicknamed the Watery Monster. They say that it was debris from Tiamet's collision with a Nubiru moon which created the Great Band Bracelet - the asteroid belt which is found between Mars and Jupiter. What remained of Tiamet was thrown into another orbit, the text says, and eventually became the Earth. The Sumerian name for the Earth means Cleaved one because a vast hole was created , they say, by the collision. Interestingly if you take away the water in the Pacific Ocean you will be left with a gigantic hole.

The more I weave together incredible amounts of information, the more it seems to me that we are talking of two distinct situations running side by side. There were other extraterrestrial races at large on the Earth, and still are, as well as the extraterrestrial race which the Sumerians called the Anunnaki and other ancient texts called the serpant race...In their physical expression, the Anunnaki are one of the many inner-Earth races which live underground in the ernormous catacombs, caverns and tunnels below the surface. A Hopi Indian legend says that a very ancient tunnel complex exists under Los Angeles and this, they say, was occupied by a 'lizzard' race some 5,000 years ago. In 1933 G. Warren Shufelt, an LA mining engineer, claimed to have found it. Today, it is said, some malevolent Freemasonic rituals are held in this tunnel complex. There has been a massive cover up by the authorities of the existence of thses subterranean races and where they live. In 1909 a subterranean city which was built with the presicion of the the 'Great Pyramid was found by G. E. Hincaid near the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It was big enough to accomidate 50,000 people and mumified bodies found were of oriental or possibly Egyptian origin, according to the expedition leader Professor S. A. Jordan.

My own resaerch suggests that it is from another dimension, the lower fourth dimension, that the reptilian control and manipulation is primarily orchestrated. Without understanding the multidimensional nature of life and the universe, it is impossible to follow the manipulation of the Earth by a non-human force. As open minded scientists are now confirming, Creation consists of an infinate number of frequencies or dimensions of life sharing the same space in the same way that radio and television frequencies do. At the moment you are tuned to the three-dimensional world or third dimension and so that is what you perceive as your reality.... It is from one of these other stations or dimensions, that the Serpent Race, the Anunnaki, is controlling this world by 'possessing' certain bloodline streams...

Other people know this as the lower astral dimension, the legendary home of demons and malevolent antities in their black magic rituals.... Then there are the experiences of Cathy O'Brian, the mind controlled slave of the United States Government for more than 25 years, which she details in her astonishing book, Trance ormation Of America, written with Mark Phillips. She was sexually abused as a child and an adult by a stream of famous people named in her book. Among them wrer the US Presidents, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton and most appalingly, George Bush, a major player in the brotherhood, as my books and others have long exposed. It was Bush a paedophile and serial killer, who regularly abused and raped Cathy's daughter, Kelly O' Brian, as a toddler before her mother's courageous exposure of these staggering events forced the authorities to remove Kelly from the mind control program known as Project Monarch. Cathy writes in Trance Formation of America of how George Bush was sitting in front of her in his office in Washington DC when he opened up,a book at a page depicting "lizard-like aliens from a far off, deep space place". Bush then claimed to be an 'alian' himself and appeared, before her eyes, to transform 'like chameleon' into a reptile.... I know other people who have seen George Bush shape-shift into a reptilian.

At the start of the (coronation) ceremony in 1953, the Queen sat on the Coronation Chair and under her bum was the Stone of Destiny which Edward I had stolen from Scone (pronounced 'scoon') Abby in 1246. The stone was supposed to have been brought from Ireland from Israel via Egypt and is also known as Jacob's Pillar or Pillow.... Th oil at the Queen's coronation was the same mixture as that used in the ancient Middle East. It was carried in a gold vessel called the Ampulla made in the form of a... dove... The anointing at the Corenation is supposed to elevate the monarch to the rank of High Priest, in this case, appropriately, High Priestess of the Church of England as well as head of state....

Today there is an added challenge for would be assasins and assasination plots with the 'traffic' cameras that are located all over cities.. It would have been impossible to keep secret the methods and personnel used to kill Diana if the whole thing was being videoed. But when you are the brotherhood with connections at the highest levels in politics, police and intelligence agencies, the traffioc cameras are no such problem. You simply turn then off! There are 17 traffic cameras on the route between the Ritze and the Pont de L'Alma, including those inside the tunnel itself... Never before in Paris had the whole system malfunctioned at the same time and the police refuse to explain what happened.... suddenly, at 12:20am, all the lines went down. "There was a radio blackout. It lasted for 20 mins and then... there was a mass of radio traffic as people all wanted to talk at once"... Another official excuse for the delay isthat the emergency doctors had to give her a blood transfusion.

This is another lie, lie, lie.

SAMU teams do not carry blood transfusion equipment because they would not know the victim's blood type. When the ambulance did leave the tunnel, the driver was ordered to go no faster than 25 miles an hour....when Diana arrived... Professor Alain Pavie, a chest and heart specialist, and Professor Pierre Benazet, another experienced surgeon...we are told... opened Diana's chest cavity, repaired the vein, and 'battled to save her' for an hour and a half before admititng defeat. I find this remarkable, also, because the autopsy report apparently shows that Diana was clinically dead at 12:45am while still lying in the tunnel... Petal says that he was overtaken by athe Mercedes... He said "he wa s at the scene for about a minute before climbing back on his bike to ring the police. He told them that Diana had been in an accident, but they layghed and told him to stop wasting their time. In despair at this, he rode to the police atation in Avenue Mozart. His lawyer, Antoine Deguines, says that Petal was kept waiting for 25 minutes and taken into a backroom where he was handcuffed. For reporting an 'accident'... whilst researching this book I was introduced to Christine Fitzgerald, a brilliant and gifted healer, who was a close friend and confidant of Diane for nine years... Diane was able to talk to her about matters she would not dare share with anyone else for fear of being dubbed crazy.

It is clear that Diana knew about the true nature of the royal family's genetic history and the reptilian control. Her nicknames for the Windsors were the "lizards" and the "reptiles" and she used to say in all seriousness: "They're not human"...The brotherhood obsession with Scotland, she said, was because thereare many entrances their into inner-Earth where the physical reptiles live... She said that during the sacrificial rituals the Queen wears a cloak of gold fabric inlaid with rubies and black onyx. The Queen and Charles have their own ritual goblets, inlaid with pecious stones signifying their Illuminati-Brotherhood rank. The Mother Godess says that that queen makes cruel remarks about lesser initiates, but is afraid of a man code-named 'Pindar' (The Marquis de Libeaux) who is higher in the Satanic heirarchy.

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Owjah mochten er mensen zijn die er maar geen genoeg van krijgen; voila een 6 uur durende docu voor de realplayer wederom van meneer Icke:

Ruled by the Gods - David Icke
laatste aanpassing
is er geen nederlandse versie van? Ik snap namelijk niet alle engelse woorden..
Ow ja dat was ik er vergeten bij te melden sorry; er is geen nederlandse versie van; maar volgens mij is het niet zo heel moeilijk; en als dingen niet helemaal duidelijk overkomen kan je sowieso ff rondneuzen op die toegevoegde fora; die zijn namelijk nederlands.
die docu's van David Icke zijn ook te vinden op bijvoorbeeld DC++ voor de liefhebbers,


secrets of the matrix
Ruled by the gods

ook een aanrader op gebied van amerikaanse politiek en de politiestaat is Alex Jones,

zijn docu's zijn ook op DC++ oa te vinden
Wat is DC ++ ?

Is dat een Discovery Channel ?
Yooo Thanx, ik ga eens even rondneuzen, vind het wel interressant

dc++ is een programma net als bijvoorbeeld kazaa etc alleen iets ingewikkelder en er staat erg veel op (mits je een goede connectie hebt etc)

ik heb hier zo'n 150 gig aan docu's over complotten en vele aanverwante zaken.

(maar wel effe in het achterhoofd houden dat ook docu's misinformatie kunnen bevatten of daar grotendeels uit bestaan, dus altijd kritisch blijven kijken en proberen voor jezelf de boel op waarde te schatten)
DJ dacorpz A.K.A. Westmalle dc++ is een programma net als bijvoorbeeld kazaa etc alleen iets ingewikkelder en er staat erg veel op (mits je een goede connectie hebt etc)

Okee dat klinkt weer een stuk logischer; ik dacht al even van :/ Laten ze dit op Discovery Channel zien; ik kan me trouwens wel herinneren dat er ooit eens op die zender iets over David Icke was; maar dat hij zoals gewoonlijk volledig belachelijk werd gemaakt...

Des te meer reden om hem te geloven :[

(maar wel effe in het achterhoofd houden dat ook docu's misinformatie kunnen bevatten of daar grotendeels uit bestaan, dus altijd kritisch blijven kijken en proberen voor jezelf de boel op waarde te schatten)

Klopt; zelfde geval met Sitchin; die heeft ook niet alles bij het juiste einde; grappig is wel dat Sitchin niet de enige was die die geschriften heeft vertaald; echter was hij wel de 1e. We zien het wel; tis beter dat de mensen "iets" weten dan dat ze "niets" weten.

Het kan immers niet allemaal onzin zijn.
laatste aanpassing
Ik lees geen boeken die als ondertitel voeren dat ze 'gonna change the world'...

Te pretentieus.. Ik zoek zelf wel wat verder..
Doe waar je zin in hebt; ik ga je niet vertellen wat je moet geloven.
Ik heb met een maat van me samen 3 boeken van sitchin gekocht, maar ondertussen inderdaad al weer de nodige kanttekeningen geplaatst bij zijn theorie maar het blijft wel interresant vind ik over dit soort zaken te lezen..
ja david icke heb ik ook al meerdere dingen van gezien en het is zeker interessant om te kijken

ik weet niet of het waar is en kan het daarom niet verwerpen
ik heb de orginele. Leest veel makkelijker weg:P. Maar het is echt een aanrader, helemaal als je wilt weten wat er zo allemaal gebeurt in onze "plezierige" wereld.