Forumonderwerp · 1138393
­ Nederland
too much tekst
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 4 december 2012 om 22:25:
What is this lame shit?

Indeed. I honoustly did not know about this. There live a whole lot of rotten people in Amsterdam, but you cannot 'just' take a normal home from somebody and drop him in a container. Eberhard van der Laan is a bullshitter anyways. His Party of Labour (PvdA) made him minister after epic fail Vogelaar. He did not really get enough attention there, so they made him mayor. It's a joke that a socialist like him (or/and) his party would go to these measures.
And when I am really honoust -not really a socialist-, I think its good to drop 'm somewhere together. Hope they kill each other in a massive slay, good riddance. They don't wind up there for nothing.
This reminds me of a French movie I once saw, called District 13. It was about a ghetto surrounded by walls, because the government of Paris just gave up on the scum that was living there.
tha'ts just like prison ...
Well as long as they don't want to be a part of a normal-working society they should be put together right? It's like showing them in everyday life how others have to cope with their actions. Maybe behaviour like that dies, or complete anarchism.
^ Indeed, agreed. Or perhaps they can just start sending them to Australia?
Not trying to be a troll, just unfortunate to see how politicians and govt officials are ruining countries all at the same time. It's never the people who are to blame. It's always govt policies which create problems in the first place.

Hate authority, not each other. That's what being a "gabber" is all about if you ask me.
laatste aanpassing
Werkzaam bij Partyflock
Make Texel a prison island, problem solved.