
Big Night Out

1638 × 1638 · organisatie
Big Night Out
21 juli 2017
georganiseerd door ⊂ ( & Site )

Escape Club (binnen)
op de kaart Site
Rembrandtplein 11
schatting: eclectic, hip hop, house

Tickets & prijs Big Night Out

Voorverkoop:€ 10,-
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up Big Night Out

Boys & Girls,

Isn’t it time for your BIG NIGHT OUT?

Holland’s most renowned club, club Escape is ready for a new and improved Thursday night. Expect an eclectic selection of beats to push you into the weekend with a smile... but, prepare yourself: The Night Circus is in town and we’re not clowning around! We’ll offer you more than just a theme: live acts, acrobats, impressive visuals and a few surprises to get you into the experience. A night of all party everything and an introductory course on the true meaning of A BIG NIGHT OUT!

It’s a student night so free entrance with you student I.D., after 00:00 there will be a 5 euro cover charge a whole lot more bang for your buck, guaranteed. Let’s get those shoes on, do a little dance and raise your glass to life.

Big Night Out is a collaboration between International I Am, The Student Hotel &
Exclusive productions.

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